Right were I need to be!

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Aries' Pov

We had made to the house in a matter of seconds. To tell you I was okay with this whole arrangement would be a lie. I was internally shaking and I had no control of it. Colton seem to have noticed cause he reached for my hand that was resting on the arm rest.

"Where here" Jason said from the back seat as we pulled up next to Mikes suv. There were no cars here what so ever. But in the distance I noticed a small beat up old car.

"Could that be his car?" I asked more to myself.

"I don't know but I really don't want to find out" Rachel said and to be honest I didn't want to find out either.

"Alright lets look for a way to get inside!" Tyler said from behind us approaching the warehouse. I know Tyler was hurting. He really liked Lisa and she does not deserve to be in the situation she is in right now.

"Alright let's go but be alert at all times, this warehouse seems pretty big and I'm almost certain he's not in this on his own" Colton said, and he was right I mean the house look way to trashed to be in the shape it was when we arrived in it. It looked like he was hiding a whole army. Which scared the shit out of me from what I remembered Paul(father) had some pretty dangerous friends.

"Please be careful everyone, I can't imagine what I would do if one of you got hurt cause of me." I said looking at them all. Now this is what I call true friends.

We all paired up some went in groups of three. I was stuck with Colton although I didn't mind. I felt a whole lot safer when I was with him. Inside the warehouse it was really cold there where hallways leading in different directions so we all choose a path. We walked deeper into it and I noticed faint voices.

"Do you hear that?" I asked Colton he looked at me and nodded.

To the side there was a door that was slightly opened. I took a peek inside and we were right a whole bunch of my dad's friends where in there. Although they were too piss drunk to know we were peeking on them.

"I hope Paul lets us use that little bitch that he has up there." one beefy looking guy said. Eww he was totally disgusting and if he ever came near my sister I would surly hit him where the sun don't shine.

"I know all hes been doing is hitting the little rat. When are we going to have some real fun with her" the other said.

Never! I thought to myself. But knowing that he has been hitting her made my blood boil we protected her for a reason. So that fucking dipshit never touched her. I only blame myself for all of this.

"Should we bring the rat down here or leave her upstairs." my ears perked up at that. So they have her upstairs huh. Thank you you drunken idiots.

Kiss my ass you suckers.

"Come on they have her upstairs" I whispered towards Colton.

"Alright but lets be cautious your father wasn't with those baboons." he said and was right were could he be.

We set on finding some stairs but I got really curious all of a sudden.

"How do you know Paul?" I asked Colton

"Your father choose to get my dad as a lawyer a long time ago, but he refuse after looking into the case. He couldn't believe what he had done. We did get to meet him though. But I kind of figured after awhile he was your dad." I was shocked to say the least for many reasons.

Bang Bang

We heard heard gun shot all of a sudden and sprinted down the hall way following the sounds.

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