Road Trip

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  • Dedicated to my three crazy best friends

CHAPTER 1-  Schools out for SUMMER


“It’s summer vacation BITCHES!”

I laughed at my friend’s screaming as we walked out of our high school for the last time. That’s right, we were seniors no more. I kept laughing like an idiot at the freshmen, well technically sophomores now, that stared at us like we were idiots. Well we are, but that doesn’t mean they have to stare.

“Looks like we have a crowd gazing upon our walk to freedom.”

I smiled and turned around. I had only one friend who would talk like that.

“Sadie! Aren’t you excited that we are done with high school!”

She flipped her long black hair over her shoulder. “Of course I am. Especially since we got the whole walking across stage and getting your diploma without tripping in front of everyone done and over with.”  “Besides I think Tori is enjoying this for all of us.”

Confused I looked for where Tori had disappeared to and found her running around the student parking lot giving random people high fives and screaming things like “Oh yeah, fuck this school, and see ya later suckers!” At one point she even jumped on top of some football player’s car and hollered “Hell Yeah,” while the poor guy stood there looking around confused. Sometimes I wondered how we became friends.

While Sadie and I stood in front of my dark blue Camaro shaking our heads and laughing at Tori we didn’t notice our friend Elle sneaking up behind us. Suddenly my horn beeped loudly and I cussed ready to knock the shit out of the idiot who dared touch my car.

“Hello ladies, didn’t notice you standing there.”

“Oh you jerk; you scared me half to death.”

“Yeah what she said, now get out of my car.”

Elle laughed and stepped out closing the door behind her.

“So are you guys just gonna stand here or are you going to go home and get ready for the party tonight.”

“Oh yeah the party! I had almost forgotten about that!”

Elle was referring to a party that all the seniors would be going to tonight. It was at some rich dude’s house in like the middle of nowhere, which is part of the reason I wanted to forget about it. There was seriously no telling what could happen there, but it was definitely going to be a lot of fun; at the least very interesting.

“Oh my gosh Olivia how could you,” Sadie questioned

“Yeah especially since Travis is going to be there,” Elle cooed.

“Oh shut up. I don’t even think he likes me,” I blushed.

Elle was referring to the guy that I had recently been crushing on the last two months. I had talked to him occasionally in the classes I had with him, but I mostly let Elle do the talking for me and stayed out of it. No matter how hard I tried I was just too shy around him to say something and start a good conversation.

Elle rolled her eyes, “Well he doesn’t hate you, so I know you have a chance. You should talk to him at the party tonight, and then he will realize that his life won’t be complete unless he can have you.”

She put her right hand on her heart and lifted her left hand up to the sky and whispered,  “Olivia, I neeeeed you!”

Sadie laughed at her impression of Travis that would never happen while I stood there with my arms crossed.

“Ha ha, very funny Elle.”

“What’s so funny?”

Tori had finally stopped her craziness and stood beside me.

“Oh so you decided to come back to Earth off of planet Crazy,” Sadie mocked.

Tori smirked, “Yeah, I decided to save it for the party tonight. You guys remember the plan right.”

Ah yes the plan. You see my parents and Elle’s parents are super strict. I’m talking about text me what you’re doing every five minutes strict, so there was no way that we could just leave the house and say we were going to a party. 

The plan was that I would leave my house around six thirty, and grab Elle who lived about ten minutes away from me. We would then proceed to Tori’s house where we would be spending the night (maybe), and get ready there. Her mom was super cool about it and actually trusted us not to do anything stupid. She even promised not to tell our parents and cover for us as long as we were back by two in the morning. Sadie would come over while we were getting ready and help us with our hair etc. because she is super good with that stuff.

After that we would drive my car to the party, which meant I would be designated driver, which also meant no getting drunk for me. I didn’t mind though, beer tasted disgusting to me anyway. We would leave the party around one to make sure we got home on time and then gossip about all that happened. Pretty full proof, well at least that’s what we hoped anyway.

“Yeah we remember the plan,” I replied.

Sadie looked down at her watch, “Okay well we better go, it’s already almost four.”

“Dang really, yeah well I’ll see you guys in a few hours.”

Elle ran off to her car and Sadie followed behind her to go to hers.

Tori had gotten a ride from me this morning so we hopped in my car and I started to drive to her house.

We got there about fifteen minutes later and Tori opened her door and got out.

Before I could drive off to go to my house Tori knocked on the window. I rolled it down with a confused look on my face. “Yeah”

She smiled, “Plan fool the parent’s and have an awesome time at the party is in motion.”

I laughed as she put her hand through the window and we did our secret handshake which really is just a high five and a fist pound put together.

“I think that plan needs a new name.”

“Yeah I think so too. I’ll have to think about it.”

I laughed again and upped my window as she walked to her front door.

Driving away I was smiling. Knowing my friends, this was going to be a crazy night that none of us would ever forget.


Okay guys this is my first story I'm putting up so please leave comments and tell me if you like it so far. I know that this chapter is short, but I made it that way so that the party chapter can be longer.

Thanks a million and luv ya if your reading!

Oh and the song at the side goes perfectly with this chapter. I think it's fun having the song play and reading the first line. ;)


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