Preparing For The Ride

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Didn't check for mistakes again. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Again I edited it so if this is not your first time reading this chapter then you need to read it over because if you don't you will be really confused because I took Rebecca out of the story, but will still add her to the cast of my story when I decide to make it :) So sorry for all the editing.


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing in my pocket. Confused I realized that I had fallen to sleep in my clothes. I picked up the phone and pulled it away from my ear as soon as I answered.

“Olivia! I have tried to call you like three times. My mom said yes!” Elle screamed.

“That’s awesome,” I said groggily. Elle must have picked up on this because she replied quickly.

“Wow, have you been sleeping. Your mom wasn’t kidding when she told my mom that you stayed up all last night working out the details. You can stay up all night working on something you want to, but not for our math project huh.”

Ugh she would bring this up now, “Hey I got an A on that, and considering it was math I think that’s pretty good.”

“Ha ha I know, I just said that to wake you up. Okay I am coming to pick you up in an hour so that we can go shopping for the stuff we need. So GET UP!"

I shook my head smiling, “Alright Elle I will, see you in an hour.”

After I hung up I looked at the time which was now only one o clock. Today was Sunday right? I didn’t know if Sadie and Tori could come yet, but I decided not to bug them about it right now. I was surprised Elle’s mom had agreed to the idea so quickly. Oh well I would ask about that later. I grabbed some jean shorts and an orange t- shirt and ran to take a quick shower.

After I had gotten out of the shower I changed and put my hair up in a pony tail letting my side bangs on the right hang down. I went to my room and grabbed credit card and phone. Yeah the credit card had taken a lot of asking for, but I finally convinced my parent’s to let me get one and had managed to get a decent amount of money on it from working at McDonalds since my sophomore year.

Running down my stairs, careful not to trip this time, I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. After making myself a quick grilled cheese and wolfing it down I went to the living room to wait for Elle.

I found Rebecca sitting on the couch watching CSI. “Hello Olivia, have a nice nap?”

I smiled, “Yeah, it was needed. I was just grabbing something to eat before I went out shopping with my friend.” Remembering what Elle had said I quickly asked, “Hey do you want to come? You can hang out with me before I head out on my road trip."

Rebecca  smirked at me and pulled me to the couch. "Okay I'm a cop, and I know you. There is no way you would just randomly think of this idea and try to convince your mom into letting you go so quickly an randomly. So what are you up to?"

I tried to pull away, but Rebecca had a death grip on my arm. "Okay fine, but you can't tell anyone, especially not my parent's or I will seriously never see the light of day again."

I spilled to Rebecca about Travis and his group of friends and when I was finished she laughed. "Don't worry I won't tell your paren't, but remember after almost seven years now you owe me!"

All of a sudden I heard a horn beep. "Okay I'll remember that." I quickly ran out to Elle's white jeep.

“Hey what took you so long I have been waiting for like five minutes."

I pulled the door shut and strapped on my seatbelt, “Long story." I explained to Elle as we drove to Wal-Mart and as I finished she shook her head.

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