Help Me Out (Last Chapter)

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I was panicking. What the Hell was she doing here? I mean seriously, this would only happen to me. Nervously I stood there like a deer in headlights as she kept walking closer. Fortunatley we were getting into Sadie's car so I didn't have to worry about her wondering whose car we were getting into. Then again, I did need to worry about the two guys that just happened to be with us. 

"Well, Olivia and Sadie, I didn't think I would run into you two here."  

She glanced at Travis and Luke, but didn't mention them yet and I thanked her for that. 

"Yeah," I added nervously, "I didn't think we would run into you either." 

Tori's mom laughed, probably at the expression on my face." 

"Well," she started, "I have a business meeting here tomorrow and I flew in earlier today. I tried to get a hold of Tori, but she wouldn't answer any of my calls and hasn't called me the whole trip."  

I thought Tori's mom sounded a little depressed and I felt really bad for her all of a sudden. I mean was I now supposed to tell her I was on my way to get Tori out of jail. 

"So, who are these two young men?" 

I glanced at Sadie and she gave me a look that said, "Lie your butt off." 

"Well, they are waiters helping us..." 

I trailed off because Sadie was shaking her head and Tori's mom was smiling with an eyebrow raised. 

"Olivia," she started, "I have known you for so long you shouldn't even try to lie to me." 

I could feel my face growing hot and face palmed ready to spill the truth, so I did. 

I told her that we went on the road trip with them, split up for a bit, and then got back together. I also told her that Elle was with Sean and that Tori was with Max. I did not mention the jail situation and after a few more interrogating questions she finally got prepared to leave. 

"Well, I suppose I should let it slip my mind to tell your parents," she eyed us smirking playfully, "and I guess I will be going now. Olivia, you tell Tori that she better not come home pregnant."  

I smiled. You know it is THAT bad when your mom says that, so Tori wouldnt know about this little encounter. 

We said our goodbyes and when she drove off in a taxi we all let out a breathe we hadn't known we had been holding. 

"I cannot believe that just happened, I mean, does she not, will she tell" Luke was freaking out. 

I shrugged, "I don't know, if she does we are all eighteen so our parent's can't force us to come back." 

"Yeah," Travis started, "but we are coming back and they could you know kill us." I nodded. 

"We do have bigger problems to attened to right now though so, I guess we are going to jail." 

I looked to the three of them and we all knew this was going to be a looooonnnnngggg night.

Elle's Point Of View 

I smiled and glanced at Sean from behind my menu. He looked so handsome tonight and under the dim lights of the italian restaurant he brought me to his eyes looked like they were shining and 

I broke out of my trance when the waiter came back to our table. 

"Excuse me miss," he had an italian accent, " what would you like for dinner?" 

"Oh," I blushed as Sean realized I had been staring and grinned, "I will have the Gnocchi alla sorrentina."

Sean ordered as well and our waiter left the table. Nervously I ripped a piece of a breadstick and tossed it in my mouth.

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