Party Time

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Okay this chapter is not as good as I was hoping, but describes everyone. So enjoy and the next chapter will have a lot more humor.


“Okay do you have everything you need?”

I rolled my eyes behind my mom’s back. “Yeah mom, I am sure I have everything. I’m just going to Tori’s.”

My mom nodded with her hands on her hips, “It doesn’t hurt to check again.”

“I know, I know, you can never be too sure. I have to go now, love you, bye.”

“Bye sweetie.”

I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran to my car before my mom could stop me. If she did then I would never get away.

I drove up to Elle’s house just as she was coming out her front door.

“Bye mom!”

Elle threw her stuff in my trunk and jumped in the passenger seat. “Step on it before she can stop us. The woman is crazy!” I laughed as I sped away catching a glance of Mrs. Monroe’s suspicious face. Not a good sign, but she probably wouldn’t say anything.

We finally arrived at Tori’s a few minutes later. We gathered our stuff from my car and walked up to the front door. Before we could knock, Tori opened it rapidly startling us.

“What’s up party people?”

We stepped inside and followed Tori to her room. I looked around for her mom, but I didn’t see her anywhere.

“Hey, Tori where is your mom.”

She turned around and had an evil grin on her face. “Well she got a last minute business call and won’t be back until tomorrow around noon. Which means we need to be back tomorrow around noon.”

I felt the anxiety rise up in my body. At a party all night long, with Tori, um something about that seriously scares me.

Elle must have felt the same way I did because she spoke up as well. “Well she does know that we are going to the party right?”

Tori stopped rummaging in her closet to think. “Oh, yeah, I think she forgot about that.”

I groaned, “Tori I don’t want to get in trouble at the beginning of summer.”

She rolled her eyes, “Olivia I know that I’m crazy sometimes, but tonight I promise to stay under control. I won’t even drink if you don’t want me to.”

Elle added in, “Technically we are not old enough to drink.”

“Yeah but you do know there will be drinks there. There always are,” I added.

Tori shook her head and waved her hands, “Okay, okay enough chit chat and let’s get ready. I have your outfits in my closet.”

The three of us put on our outfits. Mine consisted of black skinny jeans and a sparkly purple halter top that I had picked out that didn’t show too much. Tori had on a red dress that stopped just above her knees that wasn’t too tight or too loose with a black belt around the midsection, and Elle had on a pair of skinny jeans and a one shoulder black top.

After we finished getting ready Sadie arrived with makeup and hair supplies. She was all ready to go in a sparkly blue top and black pencil skirt. Her long black hair was down as usual and her blue eyes had the slightest shimmer to them.

“Aw you look pretty.”

Sadie blushed, “I know; now it’s time to fix you guys up.”

Finally when she was finished we looked fabulous. I had my long brown hair straightened and my brown eyes had a little bit of sparkly black eyeliner around them. Tori had also straightened her auburn hair which fell to her shoulders and her hazel eyes had a Smokey look to them, and Elle had left her dark brown hair curly and put on some eyeliner around her green eyes and lip gloss on her lips. 

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