Get Ready to Rumble

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Okay here is the new chapter. I just want to start off by saying that the name of this restaurant is just one I made up and if it resembles a real one that I did not know about it. Now Enjoy! Okay again if you have been reading you should know by now that this chapter is edited so if you think that you have read this before, but it was slightly different thats because I changed it. Sorry.


“Okay so we are heading north on Meeting Street toward Court House Square and then we turn left onto the I-26 West ramp. It should take about 5 minutes and then we merge onto Interstate 26 West ramp and travel on it for about two hours.”

I looked up from the direction sheet I was holding and at my friends’ nodding heads. “Yeah we have the directions plugged into the GPS Olivia, calm down.”

I smiled and handed the directions back to Elle who sat them on the dashboard. “Yeah I know, but I can’t help it I’m excited.”

“Oh yeah,” Tori piped up, “well I’m tired. Whose idea was it to make us get up this early.”

Elle laughed, “Oh come on, it’s not that early.”

“Who asked you?”

“Technically you didn’t specify who you were asking,” Elle countered.

Oh God here they go. “Okay guys,” I stepped in, “we are all tired so let’s just relax and rub it in Sadie’s face that we don’t have to drive yet.”

Sadie smirked, “Oh ha ha very funny. I’ll be sure to make fun of you when it’s your turn to drive.”

I smiled, “I’ll be fine with that, I can just crash your car.”

“Yeah and kill us all, I don’t think so Oliva,” Elle joined in laughing. “I think I am going to enjoy this trip, well as long as I don’t have to fight anyone.” She turned to Tori smiling.

Tori laughed, “I just like to be right.”

Elle nodded, “Yeah it’s true. Oh and one rule for when I’m driving,” she turned towards me, “No backseat driving.”

“What! I do not backseat drive.”

“Do you want me to tell the story Olivia?”

“What story,” Sadie questioned.

“Oh I remember that story,” Tori said while Elle chuckled in the background.

I knew exactly what story they were talking about.

“Don’t tell her the story Tori.”

“Oh I’m telling the story.”

I sighed and waved my hand looking out the window. “Carry on then.”

Tori started and I closed my eyes remembering what happened that day.

!              !              !              !              !              !              !

Tori started her new car up and picked up her cell phone while we pulled out of the drive way. It was my first time being in a car with Tori driving and I was actually a little nervous about it, because sometimes Tori can get… distracted, and the cell phone was not helping the situation.

“Yeah and why the Hell would I pick you up and take you to school. Oh yeah Fuck you! Wait how much money did you say you would pay me. Fine I’ll be there in a few. You better be ready and you better give me my money as soon as I pull up or I’m running over your ass.”

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