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Okay didn't check for mistakes. This chapter is short, but is supposed to be that way. A little comic relief I guess.

This could not be happening!

#             #             #             #             #             # Flashback to driving away from the gas station after the fight

“Ha ha I can NOT believe Kelly got tased!”

Tori was laughing her head off as Sadie turned around, now in the passenger seat.

“Well I can NOT believe you two actually fought, and that you nailed Sean right in the, well you know.”

Tori shook her head, “Oh I know, I felt really bad about that, but I thought it was Kelly’s boyfriend or something. Oh and seriously I know you are not that surprised about me fighting her.”

Sadie shrugged, “Yeah not really, but you should apologize.”

Tori nodded, “Hey Elle, you have been quiet, what’s up.”

“Well I am sort of doing this thing called driving here.”

I rolled my eyes, “Guys let’s not start right now.”

“Fine,” Elle answered, “but can you hand me a water from the back just in case I get thirst up here.”

“Yeah,” I answered

I turned around to grab a water out of the cooler and as I was turning back around I thought I saw my suitcase move. Confused I hit Tori on the shoulder and whispered, “Okay either I am crazy or my suitcase just moved.”

We both saw it move again and we squealed.

Sadie turned around again with a confused look on her face, “Uh what are you two doing.”

Tori leaned to the front and whispered, “There is something or someone in Olivia’s suitcase.”


We shushed Elle as we whispered quietly about what we should do.

“Did you lock the car Sadie?”

“Uh I think so. You think they got in when we were in the diner?”

Elle glared at Tori, “Well there was a big distraction wasn’t there.”

Tori fumed back, “Hey, what the Hell is wrong with you right now, we used to be friends.”

I face palmed and smacked Tori in the back of the head the same time Sadie Dinozzo’d Elle. (In case you didn’t know that means getting hit in the back of the head. If you have seen NCIS you know what I’m talking about. Hope I spelled that right. ;)

“Hello potential killer in the back of the car!”

“Well what are we gonna do?”

“Okay let’s pull over and make one of the guys open the suitcase so that they can get sliced up and we can have a chance to run.”

We all turned to Sadie in shock. “Are you feeling okay Sadie?”

She made a confused face and flipped her hair, “Of course I am, but I am certainly not going to be the one opening that suitcase.”

We all agreed and I called Travis.

“Hey what’s up Olivia.”

“Yeah we need to stop at the next gas station.”

“Um, okay. Is something wrong?”

“Well, sort of. I’ll tell you when we get there.”

“Okay bye.”

We got the gas station a few minutes later and all of us girls immediately ran to the guys telling them what was going on.

“So,” Sadie started, “Which one of you is opening the suitcase?”

All the guys looked at each other  and finally Luke stepped forward.

“I will.”

We all followed closely behind and I made sure Travis was beside me as Luke opened the trunk. Waiting in suspense we intently watched as Luke unzipped my suitcase after he pointed to it making sure it was the right one.  I felt Travis grab my hand and thought it was really sweet until someone jumped out of the suitcase screaming  ROAR!

I heard someone scream behind me, as well as my friends, and myself being pushed forward. Wait. Pause. Did Travis really just scream like a girl and push me in front of him so I could get eaten, stabbed, or mauled first. HELL NO!

Luke was freaking out and was about to punch Jake in the face until I pushed him out of the way so I could scream at my little brother.


“I’m thinking that I get to go on vacation too!”

After a lot of questions, yelling, arguing, and cussing with my friends, Jake, and my parents it was decided that the little stowaway was joining us on this trip.

 Now I was having serious doubts about my love life. Mostly because my knight in shining armor is a complete wimp. Oh and this trip is definitely going to be the most interesting time of my life. Not saying it will be the best though.

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