Putt What?

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Okay here is the next chapter. I put a sort of scary scene in here because I wanted to mix things up a little bit, but don't worry I am NOT turning this into a horror story. Anways, didn't check for mistakes, and as always enjoy.


I just finished checking the room to make sure I hadn’t missed packing anything when Elle stepped out of the bathroom.

“Okay, I’m all ready to go,” said Elle happily.

I nodded, “Yep me too.”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and voice hollered through it.  “We are going to put our stuff in the car and then go eat breakfast. Are you girl’s ready?”

It was Travis. Elle and I quickly made eye contact and then both of us were pushing each other in the narrow area between the bathroom door and the wall across from it that led to the door.  I got there first, not without a being rammed into the wall a couple of times, and opened the door trying not to sound out of breath.

“Yeah, we will get our stuff now.”

Travis nodded suspiciously, “Okay?”

I turned around and saw Sadie roll her eyes and head out the door. Tori was already outside the door flirting with Max, when suddenly an idea hit me. Excited now, I grabbed my suitcase forgetting that I had not zipped it which resulted in all of my clothes, ALL OF THEM, falling on the floor on top of my feet.

I heard Elle snickering by the door and saw Travis still standing there as well trying not to laugh. I realized I probably looked like sad little kid that just dropped their ice cream and put my hands to my temples to keep from laughing.

“Want me to help you with that,” Travis asked.

Maybe a little too quickly I held my hand up and replied, “What, uh, no I’ve got this.” Have Travis see my underwear, uh no thanks.

“You guys just go on ahead; I’ll be down in a sec.”

My friends nodded and the guys didn’t seem to really care except for Travis who closed the door with a sympathy grin. Ugh, I am such a klutz. Rapidly I threw my clothes in the way too small suitcase and then had to try and sit on it to get it to close. With that not working I dumped it back out and folded everything nicely wasting about ten minutes of my life.

Now booking it I ran out of the room, making sure I had gotten everything again including my suitcase and purse, and towards the elevator. Hitting the elevator button I noticed something out of the corner of my eye down at the end of the hall. There was a girl that looked maybe about my age with long black hair, seemed really pale, and was wearing a white dress. Something about this seemed familiar and not in a good way so I pressed the elevator button again and looked at which floor it was on. It was on the ground floor still and I was on the 10th.

I turned my attention back to the girl. She was still standing there with her hair covering her face not moving. AT ALL. Growing impatient I gripped the handle of my suitcase just in case I needed it.  I pressed the button again.

I tried calming myself by closing my eyes and then opened them when I heard movement. Almost breaking my neck I turned back towards the girl. She was now looking at me and her eyes looked pitch black from where I was standing. She then proceeded to walk toward me.

Now I was forming different kinds of ways to get away in my mind. I looked for a staircase, but couldn’t move my feet. I glanced back up at the floor the elevator was on. 2.

I turned again and she continued to walk towards me.

“Okay, look, no offensive, but you are really freaking me out and I would really appreciate if you said something.”

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