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Okay finally the next chapter is up. Hope you enjoy it and the next one should be up soon. Didn't check for mistakes.


“Okay on three!”




I jumped out of the passenger door and sprinted to the trunk to grab my suitcase and then ran to the hotel. I saw Elle slipping and sliding on the wet pavement as the rain came pouring down on top of us making it hard to walk and see where we were going.

Rolling my suitcase behind me I managed to get to the entrance of the hotel before a flash of lightening lit up the sky followed by a very loud bark of thunder that made me jump. I had the urge to plug my ears and cover my eyes, which I don’t think is possible to do at the same time, but instead slid into the hotel and somehow ended up sprawled on the floor with my suitcase in front of me.

“Are you okay?”

I reached up to Travis who was lending a helping hand, literally, and got to my feet.

“It’s like a slip and slide out there,” I said picking up my suitcase.

Travis nodded, “Yeah I saw you slipping and sliding, except it didn’t look that fun.”

I smirked and walked up the front desk and asked the man attending it for two rooms for the night.

“Alright, that will be 100 dollars for tonight for both rooms.”

Reluctantly I pulled out my credit card, but Travis pulled out his and gave it to the man before me.  Before I could say anything Travis had already paid and was heading to the elevator.

“You didn’t have to do that, I had it covered,” I hissed at Travis and hit him in the arm.

“Ouch,” Travis rubbed his arm like it hurt, “It’s fine I don’t mind, so far you have been paying for most of this trip so I only thought it was fair.”

I didn’t feel like arguing so I walked into the elevator where our friends were already waiting. We made it to the fifth floor and searched for our rooms for a bit before we found them. We separated and as soon as I sat my suitcase down the door adjoining our room and the guys room opened up.

Max waltzed right on in like it was normal and started talking while we just stared at him like he was crazy. “Alright girls I know what we are doing tonight!”

I looked to Sadie and she gave me a look that said, Oh God.

“We are going to the club!”

He looked like he expected a reaction, but instead all he got was Tori asking, “What club?”

Max pulled out his phone as the other guys walked in wondering what was going on.

“There is one called Allure not too far from here and its eighteen and up, besides I didn’t bring a fake ID for nothing.”

Tori immediately piped up, “I’m in! What about you guys?”

The guys nodded and I looked to Sadie and Elle for their answers. Elle hesitated before saying she was fine with it, but Sadie had her arms crossed.

“I am soaking wet and you expect me to be ready to go to a club tonight?”

Luke stepped forward, “Come on Sadie it will be fun. You can get all dressed up to go.”

Ugh, I knew as soon as Sadie said yes I would be forced to go with them whether I wanted to or not.

“What about you Olivia,” Sean asked, “Are you going to come with us or stay here all by yourself.”

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