Anger Issues

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Okay here is the next chapter. Hope you enjoy. I am going to start adding a quote at the end of each chapter just as something for everyone to look forward to. Oh and don’t think about skipping to the bottom to read it. Well, I just gave you that idea didn’t I?


Olivia’s point of view

Not having a clue what time it was, I finally took the headphones out of my ears when I saw Elle pick up her phone.

“Hey, what’s up?”

Elle talked for a little bit to who I was assuming was Sean by the way she kept giggling like an idiot and then hung up and turned to Sadie who was driving again.

It was dark outside now and I looked on my phone to find it was almost eight. I reminded myself that soon I would have to make sure the time changed on its own again when we entered the next time zone. It was really weird thinking about that and didn’t notice Tori trying to get my attention.


I snapped out of my trance as soon as she smacked me across the face with her pillow.

“Hey, watch it!”

“I wouldn’t have to if you would stop going off into Olivia Land. Elle wants to know if you want to come bowling with us and the guys tonight.”

“Wait,” I thought for a second, “when did we plan this?”

Elle spoke up, “A few minutes ago when I was on the phone with Sean. I know you may not be getting along with Travis right now, but we still want to go out on dates.”

I nodded and agreed, “It’s fine, I’ll go.”

Elle smiled, “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

I thought in my head, Of course  I mind, Travis is being a complete imbecile and I can’t stand being around him, but out loud I replied, “No its fine. It’s not like I have to bowl with him.”

Elle seemed satisfied and turned back around as Sadie continued to drive to whatever bowling alley we were supposed to be driving to.

We arrived there at about eight thirty and I was surprised that when we arrived the place seemed pretty full. Sadie parked and then my friends jumped out of the car excitedly asking me if they looked okay. I wanted to slap them and show them exactly how stupid they were acting right now, but I held my tongue… and my fist.

“Hey Olivia,” I rolled my eyes and then turned with a fake smile on my face as Travis walked towards me, “Ready for me to beat the pants off of you?”

Was he challenging me? Well bring it on bitch. “Oh, I don’t know. I might just surprise you.” By dropping a bowling ball on your head.

I turned to walk into the building. I didn’t catch the name of the place when walking in, but I was more focused on destroying Travis.

The inside of the place was pretty cool. In front of us was a desk where we paid to get in and beyond that was a pretty big bowling alley to the right and if you kept walking down the building there was a skating rink, arcade games, and a couple of places to eat as well.

I followed my friends to the lane on the very far side of the whole alley and sat down and changed shoes. Travis sat directly across from me. While Sadie was flirting with Luke, Tori was chatting up Max, and Elle was… well I don’t know what the Hell she was doing, I was getting on my game face.

Confident I stood up and went to pick out my ball. I found a glow in the dark blue one and brought it back and sat it on the ball return while everyone else picked out their balls and Max put the names in the score board.

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