Beg like a dog

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Okay didn't check for mistakes so if you see any really bad ones let me know. Oh and I changed it from the first time I posted this chapter. I didn't like how the story was going, but now I do. The next few chapters will also be edited so if you are rereading this chapter you will need to reread the chapters after this as well because I am re writing them. If this is the first time you have read this chapter then you are all good! SORRY FOR ALL THIS EDITING!


We got back to Tori’s house around twelve. By then she had cooled off and forgotten about the fight with the other girl. Her mom still wasn’t home, like Tori said she wouldn’t be so we took off our makeup and threw on our pajamas. Tori went to take a shower while the rest of us went in the living room and sat on the couch.

“So let’s talk about the party.”

Sadie went first. “Well I went around and talked to some people I knew and asked about what they were doing this summer. Most of them just said that they were going to be working and getting ready to go off to college. Not really anything interesting.” She shrugged her shoulders.

Elle nodded. “Yeah I talked to a few people too and they said stuff like that too. It seems like no one is really doing anything fun.”

Just then Travis’s idea popped into my mind.

“Olivia what’s wrong? You look like a deranged scientist.”

I hadn’t realized I was smiling. “Oh I was just thinking about something.” I didn’t know if I should tell them about the idea yet since I hadn’t really been able to talk to Travis about it.

“What? About Travis? How did that go by the way.”

I blushed again, “Yes, it does have to do with Travis.”

Sadie smiled and winked. “Let me guess, you two had a little fun at the party didn’t you.”

“WHAT, no way I’m not stupid!”

Elle and Sadie laughed, “Oh calm down, we know you wouldn’t do something stupid like that unless you two had been dating for awhile, and it definitely wouldn’t have been at some lame party.”

Tori then came out of the bathroom  in her pajamas with her hair in a towel. “So what are you guys talking about?”

She sat down next to Elle and Elle spoke up again.  “Olivia won’t tell us why she was smiling like a crazy person.”

Tori’s face brightened, “Oh you and Travis hooked up!”

“NO, we DID NOT do anything like that. We just talked.”

Tori laughed, “You know I’m kidding, but seriously what is it.”

I sighed, “Fine, when we were about to leave Travis said that he and his friends were going on a road trip to California and was wondering if we wanted to come along. I think it could be fun.”

Elle piped up, “Yeah now that’s something interesting to do over the summer, but you know our parent’s would never be cool with that.”

Sadie added, “Yeah especially with a group of guys. I mean we don’t even know his friends all that well.”

I nodded disappointed, “Yeah I know you guys are right, but even if we didn’t go with them it would still be a fun thing to do with just the four of us.”

Tori nodded. “Yeah my mom might go for that, but with guys, Hell no.”

We talked some more about it and by the time we all fell asleep we had come to a conclusion. We were going to ask our parents about going on a road trip. We wouldn’t mention the guys, but we would tell them where we wanted to go and plan the whole thing out. Tomorrow was going to be a very interesting day.

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