Destination Made

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Olivia’s Point of view

After leaving the hotel and driving for forever we finally made it to California. I wanted to keep driving to Los Angeles, but my friends complained about it being almost two in the morning so we found a small hotel and checked in. Sadie and Elle headed straight for bed once we reached our room, but I didn’t feel tired at all. I was too excited that we had almost made it and couldn’t stop thinking. My thoughts ranged from shopping, surfing, Travis and the guys, and how I never wanted to stay in another hotel for as long as I lived.

After awhile I slipped into unconsciousness. One second I was dreaming that Channing Tatum showed up to my bachelorette party and then everything went black and I heard whispering.

“Okay, so you know where we are. Well get here fast if you want to meet up with us. Well Olivia can deal with it! Okay I think she is waking up, bye.”

I knew it was Tori talking to someone on the phone, but I decided to roll over and pretend I was asleep. Who could she have been talking too? I had a feeling that I knew who it was, but right now I was too tired to wake up and interrogate her.

“Olivia wake up!”

I grunted, “No!” I pulled the pillow over my head and refused to listen.

“Olivia,” Elle was hitting me with a pillow now, “It’s important! GET UP!

I sighed and sat up quickly making the room spin. I hate when that happens.

“What is it?”

“The Guys are here.”


Elle explained to me that she and Tori got up this morning to go get breakfast while Sadie and I were still sleeping. They had just gotten out of the elevator when Max came and scooped Tori up in his arms.

“Well what did you do,” I had jumped out of bed and was getting ready at lightning speed while listening to Elle.

“I saw and ran back up here to tell you and Sadie.”

Sadie popped out of the bathroom completely dressed. “We all know Tori called Max and told them we were here,” she said disgusted. “I swear she will do anything to find a guy that will…”

Sadie was cut off by Tori coming in the front door. She stood in the entrance while we glared at her.

“What I do?”

“What do you mean what did you do,” Elle screamed at her.

Tori rolled her eyes, “Okay so you know what I did, but the trip will be more fun with the guys, and Olivia can just…”

Tori trailed off and I let out a breathe. “I am not spending every second in Los Angeles with Travis!”

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