It's Complicated

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Okay next chapter is up. As always hope you enjoy and I didn't check for mistakes.


Travis’s Point of view

“Here take these.”

I handed Olivia two aspirins that she took with a bottle of water. She looked absolutely horrible, but I didn’t know how to tell her that. I also didn’t know how to tell her about the fight at the club getting on YouTube and becoming viral.

“Thanks Travis.”

She looked at me again with those big brown eyes and asked, “How did you get that black eye?”

I cringed. I was hoping she wasn’t going to ask about it so soon so that I could make up a good story for it. “Oh, well with all the chaos in the club someone elbowed me, but I’ll be fine.”

Olivia nodded, but the way her eyes lingered on my eye I was pretty sure she didn’t exactly believe me.

“Okay,” Sadie walked in the room with Elle and kept talking, “I have burnt toast and chicken noodle soup for both of you.”

Tori sat up from where she had her head buried under her pillow, “Why the Hell do we need burnt toast?”

“Because,” Sadie started again, “carbon in the burnt part helps filter impurities.”


While Sadie explained and gave them both their very appetizing looking lunch I thought back to how I really got that black eye.

!              !              !              ! (flashback)

I carefully, but quickly, sat Olivia down in the back seat beside me while everyone piled into my car. This time we had Sean driving with Max in the front beside him. The rest of us were in the back keeping an eye on Tori who was cussing at everyone and Olivia who was sitting beside me staring at me confused.

“What is it,” I asked her.

She didn’t respond at first, but kept looking at me with glazed eyes. “Where were you?”

I assumed she was talking about when I disappeared on her. “Well,” before I could go on any more Tori unbuckled her seatbelt and turned around to get right in my face.

“Oh shut up, we don’t want to hear your lies.” She waved a finger in front of my face while she said it and pushed me back to the seat. Elle gently pulled her back and Tori went back to mumbling about something.

Olivia was still staring at me for an answer so I started again, “Okay, when we were finished dancing I tried to follow you, but some crazy girl with purple hair grabbed me and started dancing with me.”

“And you danced with her,” Olivia stated slowly.

“Yeah, but only one dance, I didn’t know she was crazy.” I searched Olivia’s face for any sign of emotion, but she seemed to still be waiting for me to finish.

“After the first dance she kept trying to kiss me and was jumping all over me so I ran to the restroom and she followed me so I had to keep running around the club to get away from her.”

Olivia still didn’t show any emotion so I finished.

“So, that’s it.” I said awkwardly.

Next Olivia looked at me with tears in her eyes, “Oh my God,” she slurred sobbing now, “you are in love with a purple people eater.”

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