A Change Of Events

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Alright this chapter is back in Olivia’s point of view. I decided to send Jake on back home because he really doesn’t fit in this little group I have got going on. Anyway I’ll stop talking now, so enjoy the chapter. Oh one more thing, this chapter starts off when they are arriving at the hotel.

Olivia’s Point of View

As we arrived at the hotel all I could do was clinch my fists to keep from screaming. This day had really worn me out, mostly because I was not expecting a surprise visit from my little brother. Ugh, and I cannot believe he had the nerve to call Travis gay! I really wanted to kill him right now, but knowing my mom I already knew she was on her way to come get him and not just because I had texted her exactly where we were.

Still in an angry trance I hopped out from the car slamming the door behind me and went to the trunk to grab my suitcase, which I had put my clothes back in.

“Hey, let me get those for you.”

I turned to see Travis beside me reaching for my bags. 
“Oh that’s really sweet of you Travis, but”

Before I could argue his lips were on mine. Startled I pulled back.  Travis looked at me confused and I quickly thought of an answer to my unexpected reaction.

Stuttering I managed to say, “I can’t do this with my little brother around.”

At first Travis didn’t say anything, but then he looked to where Jake was getting out of the car in front of us.

“Oh,” he started, “yeah sorry, I’m such an idiot. I completely understand.”

He flashed a smile and grabbed my bags, “After you.”

I smiled as we walked to the entrance, and probably smiled even more when he held the door open for me. As I walked in I noticed the furnishings. The room was dimly lit and had beautiful hardwood floors, walls, and ceilings giving me the feeling I was in a box, with sleek black chairs on either side of me. There were floor lights lining the edge of the walls and in front of me sat a dark wood desk with a wide stone wall fountain behind it. Fancy, I thought.

Elle hit me on the arm and whispered in my ear, “Do you want to check us in?”

I nodded and passed to the front of the desk and started talking to a woman who looked about thirty years old with a nametag that read, Marge.

“Hello, how may I help you?”

I smiled politely and replied, “Could we get two rooms for tonight?”

The receptionist immediately responded, “Oh I’m sorry we only have one room available.”

Completely caught off guard I stood there for a second, “Well, could you at least check?”

She turned to her computer screen which I noticed was turned off and then turned back to me, “Nope, only one room available.”

Growing very impatient and frustrated I spoke a little louder, “But you didn’t even check.”

Marge frowned and said, “Look, I hate this job and I said we only have one room.”

Okay I was officially pissed now, “What do you mean there is only one room available, this sucks!”

Suddenly I felt of hands pulling me back and found Elle trying to calm me down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jake who now looked a lot more interested in what was going on, and I also saw the guys smirking. What idiots. Did they really think they were going to be able to get with me and my friends tonight? I was about to punch the stupid smile off of Luke’s face as he was eyeing Sadie talk to the receptionist when I heard someone yelling from the direction of the elevator.

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