Stop! Jake's Time!

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Okay now I know you didn’t see that last chapter coming now did you. Yep I know I surprised you.  Well here is another surprise.  We are going to do this chapter in Jake’s point of view.


Listening to Olivia yelling at my mom and dad I could tell she was really pissed. I could also tell that my parents were so going to ground me for life and I really wasn’t looking forward to Olivia handing me the phone.

I looked around at the group of people she was traveling with. Ha. I knew she had a reason for wanting to come on this road trip so badly, there were a group of guys traveling with them. Now let me see who I think she is interested in, or at least was interested in before I came. God, I am an evil mastermind.

Well, the guy that almost punched me in the face was sort of good looking, I mean I’m a dude so I don’t really think of guys as cute or anything, ew. He was also eyeing me. What is his problem?

Let’s see, oh wait what have we here. A blonde dude just walked up to my sister and put his hand on her shoulder. Oh and is that Elle and Sadie smirking. Oh yes, I have found my main mission on this trip. Destroy whoever it is that thinks they can touch my sister. Uh oh, Olivia is handing me the phone now.


After about ten minutes of my mom and dad’s yelling, and then some of my mom’s crying, some yelling again, and then a few seconds of thinking I had gone deaf I handed the phone back to my scary looking sister and she talked to my parent’s a few more seconds and hung up.

“Well,” she started extremely irritated, “it looks like you will be joining us on our little trip.”

“Yes!” I shouted.

I got a glare from Tori and I calmed down. That chick scared me. Seriously, one time she spent the night and when one of the neighbors down the street kept ding dong ditching our house she took a paint ball gun out of her sleeping bag and chased them into the woods behind our house. I have never heard from that kid again.

I looked back towards my sister who was talking to the guys. They all nodded and headed to their car, so I followed the girls back to their car.

As soon as I got in I moved to the left side in the back as Olivia sat in the middle and Tori on her other side. Elle was driving and Sadie was in the passenger seat.

“Okay,” Olivia started, “How did you plan this out?”

I smiled, “Let me tell you how it all started.”

“Okay when Rebecca first got here the idea popped in my mind to hide in her trunk until she got to New York and I would just get to chill there for awhile, but when you introduced the idea of taking a road trip, my mission became clear.”

Tori hissed, “You evil little mastermind.”

I smirked, “Stop flattering me. Well anyway. When you were leaving I easily snuck into the back trunk of the car because I was sleeping over at Jason’s house who lives next door, and his parent’s never watch what I do.”

Elle now decided to interrupt me, “Um, I thought your mom closed the trunk.”

I rolled my eyes, “Uh no, she was too busy trying not to cry, so I  closed it myself by pressing that little button. After that I just ducked down until you were in that diner and Tori totally almost killed that chick.

Tori smiled, “Yep, that bitch deserved it.”

I fake laughed, “Okay no more interruptions. Anyway when I saw the fight winding down I threw all of your clothes out of the suitcase and put them in whoever that pink ones is and got in leaving the zipper open a little. Oh and I ate some of your food.”

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