Waking Up

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Travis’s Point of View

When I opened my eyes I was immediately blinded by bright lights and squinted as I sat up.


On instinct I reached up and touched the back of my head. I could feel a good sized knot there and groaned as I noticed the pain in my left foot. Managing to open my eyes I looked down at the white cast wrapped around my foot.

Shaking my head I tried to remember what happened. Oh yeah, Olivia happened. Sitting in the hospital room I looked around. No one else was in here with me but there were there were a couple of chairs sat up in the room and I noticed some of my friends stuff sitting in them. The TV was on and I reached out to change the channel so I could figure out what time it was.

It was twelve o clock. Wow, so all this went down yesterday. Damn.

“Hey, you are finally up!”

I turned to see Max walk into my room followed by Luke and Sean.

“Yeah, I can’t believe I was out that for so long.”

Luke pushed a tray towards me and sat some food on it, “Well believe it.”

Luke didn’t seem too happy and neither did Sean or Max.

“Well, what’s up with you guys?”

Max responded quickly, “They don’t have any good food here is what’s up.  I mean look at that crap.”

I looked down at what looked sort of like mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese mixed together. “Ew, maybe they are trying to keep me here,” I joked.

The guys laughed and Luke grabbed the remote for the TV while Sean kept messing with his phone. Realizing I was starving I scarfed down the meal, but there was still something nagging me at the back of my mind.

“So,” I hesitated, “where are the girls?”

Max who had been telling a joke to Sean stopped talking abruptly and looked to Luke and Sean before answering.

“Well, right now they are sort of gone.”

I stared at Max incredulously. “What do you mean they’re gone?”

Luke spoke up, “We mean they are GONE!”

“Gone where?”

Sean rolled his eyes, “Okay it will just be easier for you to understand once you know what happened after you passed out.”

I nodded, “So go on then.”

Sean started talking again, “Okay well after Olivia threw the bowling ball at your foot you reacted by jumping up and down on your other foot which caused you to fall and hit your head on the ground.”

I nodded, that would explain the broken foot and giant bump on the back of my head.

“After you passed out Olivia was so pissed she ran out of the bowling alley and took Sadie’s car while we were picking you up and carrying you to our car to take you to the hospital.”

“Wait,” I interrupted, “Olivia took Sadie’s car?”

Luke nodded, “Yep, the girls had to ride with us to the hospital and were freaking out and calling Olivia the whole time. After we got here and the doctors said you would be fine and just needed a cast and to stay overnight so they could watch you. “

Max chimed in and took over, “Sadie got a text an hour after we got here from Olivia that said that she had dropped off her car at a car rental place, so I stayed here with Sean while Luke took the girls to the rental place.”

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