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Okay this is it! The end. But don’t be sad. I promise to keep writing and have other ideas in mind already. I know this story isn’t one of the longest out there, but it is the first story I have started and actually finished and I have wattpad to thank for that. So thanks for reading!

Olivia’s Point of View

“Oh my gosh I cannot believe this is happening.”

I watched Sadie check her hair and her blue dress and straighten Luke’s tie. We were about to walk down the red carpet for the Premiere of “Road Trip” directed by Luke starring actress Sadie.

Yep, it was actually happening and it was based off of Elle’s book, Road Trip, which she had started writing as soon as we got back, which was the reason we were back in L.A. and walking on the red carpet as well. Unfortunately we were not cast in the movie, besides Sadie, but hey I think it is pretty cool to see a famous actress play me.

Seven years had gone by and I was just getting out of college and opening my office as a psychologist in New York. There were a lot of messed up people there, and Rebecca was willing to help get me started, so I was extremely elated.

I smoothed out my red dress and turned to Elle. “How do I look?”

Elle grinned, “Hot. What about me.”

I laughed as she rubbed her gigantic stomach, “Like, one hot mama. You know I bet you will give birth right on that red carpet.”

Elle gave me a look as Sean came up behind her and kissed her head. Yep, they had gotten married last year and, well, it was very interesting. Elle was now a successful author and was writing a book about her wedding now. She went to the same college as me and we both fell in love with New York, so her and I saw each other a lot.

“Yeah, yeah, I look fine.”

Tori walked past Max and stood by me. “I don’t see why he can’t understand that it was over like four years ago, God.” I smiled; Tori had found the perfect job for herself, a chef. That way she could eat whenever she wanted, yell at people and tell them what to do, and use knives every day, and she was pretty good at it too. Unfortunately her life did not involve Max and she had her own restaurant right here in L.A.

“Okay, the limo is on its way and then everything will go perfectly.”

“Sadie calm down, everyone loves you,” Luke patted her shoulders.

Luke and Sadie got engaged only last month and she was already planning the perfect wedding. They both went to colleges near Hollywood so it was easy for them to keep in touch, therefore it was easy for them to stay together, and together they made it big.

Sadie calmed down for a few seconds, but then the limo came.

“Everybody, come on, it’s here!” Luke sighed and followed her while the rest of my friends, smiling, trailed behind.

“So, long time no see.”

I turned to see Travis. I hadn’t really talked to him all that much since that summer because we went to colleges in completely different states and we eventually drifted apart. He still looked good, but I did notice the wedding ring on his finger and a gorgeous brunette holding a toddler beside him.

“Yeah, how have you been?”

He looked towards his wife and back to me, “Well I finally became that dentist, and I got married, and had a kid, so challenging, but amazing.”

I smiled, “Good.” I fidgeted with the ring on my finger as Jake came out of the bathroom. That 14 year old boy had grown up to be a pretty decent twenty one year old business man. Who would have known he would become interested in stocks.

“Are you guys coming or what?” He walked backwards towards the door and held his hands out. “By the way sis, your husband is having trouble with your evil twins.”

I squinted at him and caught my four year old son as darted towards the door.

“Oh no you don’t John,” I said picking him up and holding him upside down playfully, “you are staying with your dad.”

My husband came into the room with John’s twin, Crystal, on his shoulders.

“So, David, you can’t keep track of your kids,” I directed the statement at my husband.

David smiled at me and I knew why I married him. Soft brown eyes that were always full of happiness, his wavy brown hair, and jaw dropping smile. He was a cop and Rebecca set us up. It has now been decided that I am eternally her monkey servant.

“Sorry babe, I was ambushed,” my twins cheered and I laughed.

Travis and his wife were smiling too. “I guess we have a lot in store for us,” Travis laughed.

I nodded and was about to introduce myself to his wife when Sadie burst through the door.


Travis and I said our goodbyes and rushed to the limo. Inside that limo with all my friends I felt like a teenager again. Love, friends, crushes, happiness, annoyance, worry, anxiety it was all there.

Stepping out of that limo behind Sadie and in front of the flashing lights and yelling I realized that the last line of Elle’s book was right. “Life is like a road trip; you just have to keep going until you get to where you want to be. There might be problems along the way, but just keep looking forward and you will make it.”

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