Chapter 4

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The next morning was de ja vu. Eren woke up fuzzy from his dream to find Levi in a distant chair watching him.

"I begin to wonder exactly what you dream about, Eren." Levi said as Eren rubs his eyes. "You always seem to play with yourself before you wake up."

"Why are you watching me sleep again?" Eren asks, yawning. "I don't even remember coming to bed last night."

"Figures." The captain smirked. "You massaged my feet last night. But you exhausted yourself so much that you passed out. I didn't realize it until your head hit the floor. I had to carry you in here myself."

Eren glared at Levi. "You didn't do anything to me, did you?"

"The only 'thing I did' was remove your shoes and shirt and covered you."

"That's a relief."

"What do you take me for, a pervert? If I would do something to you in the way you're thinking, I would make sure you're awake."

A shiver went down Eren's spine. "Okay then. Get out."

"What? Why?"

"Because I need to get dressed."

Levi smirked again as he stood. "And I'm sure you have to finish yourself off too." Levi walked to the door. "I'll get the butler to bring more sheets." He said as he shut the door behind him.

Eren finished jerking before he got up and headed to the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror, he was surprised to see a hickey on his neck. There wasn't just one, but three. That's when he remembered pieces from the night before. After his head hit, he remember the warm sensation on his lips before his neck was sucked on. After that, Levi carried him to bed. Now, Eren was upset. Levi lied to him, and he knew he didn't have a shirt that would cover the hickeys. He came out of the bathroom to find a maroon turtleneck shirt laying on his bed. He didn't know where it came from, but slipped it on anyways. After confirming the now covered hickeys, he walked into Levi's room and found breakfast waiting.

"I'm glad the shirt fits." Said Levi, as a piece of toast hung from his mouth and his voice deepened. "It looks good on you."

"You're full of shit." Eren replied a little pissed off. "You lied to me Levi."

Levi's gaze intensified as he smirked. "I said I didn't do anything to you sexually. I never promised about everything else."

"Kissing me and giving me hickeys IS sexual. Especially when you do it without my permission and when I am asleep."

"You're wrong, Jaeger. That isn't sexual at all. If you claim that is sexual, then you giving me that amazing foot massage last night is beyond sexual."

Eren knew he was right and kept his mouth shut. He walked over to the table to retrieve his plate of food and began to walk to his own room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Levi asked seriously.

Eren turned to his captain. "I'm going to eat in my room."

Levi pats the seat next to him. "No, you will sit right here so I can watch over you. If you think eating in your room is going to piss me off, you're wrong. I would enjoy it more because I would have to clean up your mess. And we both know you are mad at me at the moment. Now sit before I have to put you here myself."

With a little hesitation, Eren made his way to the seat Levi reserved.

Mikasa + Jean

Mikasa walked into the common area and found Jean at the coffee station. She walked over to him without hesitation. "Good morning Jean." She said with a smile.

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