Chapter 9

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The next morning, Levi got up to go to work. When he finished getting dressed, he went and kissed Eren on the cheek and turned to leave when Eren grabbed his arm and tried to stop him.

"Levi, why are you leaving so soon?" He asked the older man.

"Because I have some paperwork to finish before we leave." The Captain explained. "Just stay here and rest. I'm sure after last night, you'll need it."

"I'm sure paperwork can wait a little longer. I want to spend all my time with you before we leave. I mean, what if we don't return?" He said with sadness in his eyes as his hands wrapped around his lover's waist, forcing him to sit down on the bed.

"I'm sorry but this paperwork must be done soon. I would like to spend my time with you here, so I plan to finish that paperwork early. And when it comes to us returning, Eren, you will return here. I will be the one to make sure of that."

"What about you-" Eren was cut off when Levi got up from the bed, detaching his arms, which caused pain down Eren's spine.

"Don't worry about me. Only the mission is what's important. But for now, rest. I'll be back later." He said as he left.

Mikasa x Jean

The group led by Armin and Hanji just made it to Wall Maria as the sun began to rise above the horizon. Mikasa and Jean, as well as their leaders and a few other soldiers used their gear to get up the wall and began to set up the elevators for the rest of the group. It took them about two hours to get the whole group onto the wall. With the sun high in the sky, those who wanted to rest couldn't because of the bright sun. With most people unable to sleep, they began their journey along the top of the wall.

"How could I let myself leave him behind?" Mikasa began to tell Jean quietly. "What if Wall Rose gets attacked why we're gone and they take Eren? I can't protect him from a wall away."

Jean looked down at Mikasa as they walked at a slow pace. "Didn't I say not to worry about things like that? For crying out loud, if you think about things like that and they end up happening, you'd kill yourself from regret." Mikasa remained silent for a few minutes. Jean sighed and put his arm around her shoulders. "You know, I'm worried too. What if this mission fails? What if all of us die? Thinking about stuff like that will make us depressed, and being depressed will take away all the hope we have of winning in this fight. It's almost as if depression is humanities true enemy."

"I didn't know you had such a cheesy view on life. Why am I with you again?" Mikasa question as she put her arm around him. Jean looked at her with horse eyes (ß ;D get it). Mikasa remained in her monotone voice and responded. "It was sarcasm. You shouldn't worry so much, Jean. I was just trying to lighten the mood a little."

"I don't understand how you could think saying that would lighten the mood, even for sarcasm."

It was mid-afternoon when Hanji stopped the group. "Listen up everyone. We are going to stay here and rest until a little after dark. Try to get as much sleep as you can. For those who a little more rested, keep a look out for an ambush. Don't go ahead of where I am, and don't go too far to where you can't see my unit. There is enough blankets and food rations for everyone. That is all."

The group saluted their leader before they began passing blankets and food around. Mikasa and Jean each grabbed a blanket and laid next to one another.

"You know, I think this is the first time we slept this close to each other since training." Jean said as he smirked.

"No, I think we slept a room apart when we went to that abandoned castle when Eren was training his titan abilities." Mikasa pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Jean slowly moved his hand towards Mikasa, and she accepted it with her own. The two scooted closer together to keep warm. They talked a little more before kissing, and falling asleep.

Eren x Levi

Levi finished up the last of his paperwork before heading to the café to get some tea. It was dark out and couldn't help but think about Eren's question from earlier that morning. What if we don't return? He sat there drinking tea and became lost in his thoughts. Of course Eren will return. I wouldn't let him fight if it got too dangerous. And I know I can fight, but if I run out of gas, I'm as good as dead. He shook his head at the thought. I won't let that happen. I plan on returning so I can be with Eren, because I love him. I want to marry him someday and I want to grow old with him by my side. Now I guess I can't do that if I died on this mission, right? Then I just won't die then. He sat there a few minutes more and drank the rest of his tea.

Eren finally got up for the second time that day, only to go to the bathroom again. Yes, he was still in pain from the sex he experienced the night before, so he only got up when he absolutely needed to. He hadn't seen Levi all day, and began to wonder when he will be home. How long will he keep me waiting? What if he decided he doesn't want me anymore? What if he doesn't come back from the mission? What will I do with myself without him? He sighed as he flushed the toilet and washed his hands. He looked in the mirror. I can't imagine a future without Levi. I mean, I can hardly picture our future together. As much as I love him, our love for one another will not be accepted easily by others. Knowing that, we couldn't get married legally. And even if we don't plan on getting married, we certainly could never have children.

Eren splashed water on his face and then headed back to bed. Does Levi even like children? I mean, I want children even though I already know we can't have any together. Maybe we can get someone to be a surrogate for us? But who would do that for us? I'm sure Mikasa would do that in a heartbeat if I asked her, but I know I couldn't because she's my sister and she HATES Levi. But who likes us enough to do something like that?

Just then, Levi walks in and is surprised to find that Eren was able to move. "Because you're still in bed, I assume you are still in pain?" Levi said as he sat on the bed and kissed Eren.

"Yes, but it's getting better." Eren replied after they stopped sucking face. "I only got up to go to the bathroom and haven't eaten anything."

Levi got up after hearing that. "Then I better make you something before you waste away."

The next day, Levi got all of his group organized and ready to depart off of Wall Rose. Eren, still recovering a little, sat on the ground at the Captain's feet as the older man spoke. "Listen up you brats. We will descend from Wall Rose just before the sun sets. Once we are all in position, we will make a straight path to Wall Maria as fast as we can. If you can't keep up with me, then don't bother following. I will not slow down because I don't want titans to get us before we get to the meeting point. Our goal is to get to Wall Maria before sun rise tomorrow. Now, wait for my order to begin descending."

After everyone saluted Captain Levi, he turned his attention to Eren. "Listen to me. If I tell you to turn back and retreat, you will turn and retreat, you hear me?"

"What's with that all of the sudden? I thought we are going to do this together."

"We are. But I want to make sure that you make it back in one piece, Eren."

"Of course I will. I can heal myself because of my Titan ability, remember."

Levi sighs and whispers under his breath. "That's not what I meant. I don't want you to be so reckless that you die. I plan on returning with you and I will have a surprise for you then."

"A surprise?" Eren questioned.

"Yes, a surprise. With that in mind, when I tell you to leave, leave. At that point, your number one priority is to make it back here alive, even if you are the only one. Mikasa and I will have your back. Jean has Mikasa's back and Hanji's got mine. Just make sure to not be so damn stubborn, okay?"

"Yes, Captain."

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