Chapter 13

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Levi looked at the kid in confusion. The boy shouted again, "Daddy!!!"

With the sudden noise, Eren yawned and opened his eyes. He looked at the captain and child as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

When Levi saw Eren's face, he couldn't help but smile at him.

It took Eren a few seconds to come back to earth. He finally realized that the Captain was home.

Levi watched as his face lit up with excitement. He then looked at the kid tugging at his pant leg and was surprised that the two resembled each other. They had the same eyes, and the same excited face. Of course, Eren was a lot older and more mature looking, but the kid looked like what Levi would picture Eren to look like as a child, except the kid's hair was a few shades lighter in color.

 Of course, Eren was a lot older and more mature looking, but the kid looked like what Levi would picture Eren to look like as a child, except the kid's hair was a few shades lighter in color

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         (I apologize for my crappy photoshop skills, but this is what the kid looks like.)

Levi's thoughts were cut short as Eren wrapped his arms around his smaller body. The two hugged and kissed what seemed like a happy ever after, while the kid began to hug both of their legs in excitement.

When their lips finally parted, Levi spoke first, out of breath. "I love you Eren. I love you so much. I thought I would never see you again but here we are." Both were a little teary-eyed. "I love you so much that I'm asking you to," he moves his mouth closer to Eren's ear before continuing. "Marry me."

Eren was crying a waterfall from the reunion with his lover. But Levi's words made it into an ocean of tears of joy. He looked at Levi's face to see that he was serious with the request. "I love so very much Levi. I would love to marry you—"

Levi cut him off with a kiss, which became mutual. After that, Eren continued to talk.


"But?" Levi looked confused.

"But us getting married, two guys? Levi, that isn't legal. We can't get marri--"

"Since when did a piece of paper prove how much we love each other?" The Captain was serious with his question. When Eren didn't answer, he continued. "Who cares if it's not legal? If we love each other as much as we do, and we want to be together till our hair turns white, then damn right we can get married." He voice had gotten louder than Eren expected and he looked down to find the kid starting to shake a little.

Eren unwrapped his arms from Levi and picked the kid up to calm him down.

When Levi saw Eren holding the kid like that, especially one that looked like his own, he couldn't help but blush before continuing. "Anyways, we can just have a wedding amongst our friends."

Eren looked at Levi. "You're right. I don't care if it's legal or not. I love you, Levi. So yes, I'll marry you, okay?"

After that, the two came in and kissed, and the kid turned away. Eren forgot the kid was in his arms and quickly parted with Levi. Then, all three sat down on the couch.

"So, what's the brat's name?" The captain asked Eren.

They both looked down at the child. Eren replied, "I don't know. He never talked before calling you 'daddy.'"

The two blushed a little at the thought of the kid saying 'daddy.' They fantasized a little longer but snapped out of it when the kid slid off the couch.

"So, what's your name, kiddo?" Eren asked.

"Really? Kiddo?" Levi commented.

The boy just walked away without saying anything.

"Oi, speak. I asked for your name so don't ignore me, brat." Levi became irritated. "If you don't tell me now I'll start charging you rent."

Eren laughed at Levi's seriousness. "Take it easy. I doubt he even knows what that means."

"That's no excuse. I'm sure he will understand once I show him." As Levi said that, the boy ran back into the room with a paper and pen in hand. He ran up to the coffee table in front of the couch and scribbled something down. Then, he passed the paper to Levi and Eren. Levi noticed it was the kid's name. The 'B' had three loops instead of two and the handwriting was messy but he could still read it. "Ben? Your name is Ben?"

The kid nodded his head and smiled shyly.

"See, Eren, he understands. He's educated." Levi pointed out.

"At least he can write his name. That's a start."

The two continued to discuss what actually happened to Levi, since Ben refused to answer their questions.

Mikasa x Jean

It was their first date in a while. They had just finished paperwork with Hanji and Commander Erwin over the matter with Captain Levi. They were giving their statements when Hanji suddenly rushed them out as she was excited to examine her new titan test subject.

They held hands all the way to Jean's apartment, where he planned to make dinner since his roommate wasn't around.

"You never told me you can cook?" Mikasa said as she observed him flipping food in a pan.

"I can cook but I'm not a chef."

Mikasa laughs as she wraps her arms around Jean from behind. "That doesn't matter to me. Cooking is an act of love. That's all I care about."

Jean put one hand on hers while the other continued to cook. Eventually, dinner was finished cooking and the two sat on the couch together as they ate. Once they were done eating, they snuggled on the couch together and fell asleep.

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