Chapter 11

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Down by the entrance of the hole in Wall Maria was a human, in the direct path of the oncoming titans. Levi took the chance to order his soldiers. "Squad 2, retreat to the wall immediately. Squad 1, continue pursuit until I give another order." As he finished his demand, the captain jumped off Eren's titan shoulder and his gear led him to the unknown human. He used his right arm to grab and rescue the human before zipping away back to Eren.

It wasn't until he landed that he realized he rescued a young boy, about 3 years old or so. "It's okay, I'm here to rescue you, kid. And don't be afraid of the titan I'm on. His name is Eren and he's a good guy." Just then, Eren let out a screech and Levi jumped off with the kid momentarily as Eren punched his fist into another titan's chest. In the time it took for Levi and the kid to come back to Eren, he took down two more titans.

At this point, the boy in Levi's arms was crying. "Calm down, kid. I'll have you out of here in no time." The captain said as he landed on Eren. He set the kid beside him so his feet was on Eren's shoulder as well. Immediately, the kid seemed to calm down a little. Levi saw a few more titans coming from the hole in the wall, and he knew he had to make a choice.

"All units, RETREAT! Now!" Levi shouted. "Make sure Eren and this kid makes it back ALIVE." Levi turned to Eren. "I know you're not going to like what I'm saying, but just listen." Eren screeches again and Levi continues. "Leave now, Eren. Take this kid with you and protect him." Eren kicks a three meter titan and Levi watches it slam into three others. "I love you, Eren. I promised that I would make sure you make it back alive. Now go."

Eren took the kid into his hand and looked at Levi one final time before turning and running away. Levi hopped off of his shoulder and headed straight for the titans in pursuit. The remainder of the ground squads made it back to the top of Wall Maria. The squads on top of the wall began their retreat back the way they came.

Hanji couldn't help but shout at Levi, "Hey, do you want me to help you?"

Levi kills another titan before responding. "No. I got this. I'll kill them all and then I'll catch up with you. Just keep moving forward."

Hanji now addresses her soldiers. "You heard him. I officially cancel our original mission. Now, everyone, make it back alive and protect Eren."

As everyone got further from him, Levi continued to cut the necks of titans. The original group of titans is now dead, but the second wave is closing in on him. I was hoping to someday marry you, Eren. But now, I don't think I will be able to. At that thought, the captain stood on the ground, his back facing the enemy as he watch his lover run to safety.

Once the titans were close enough, he used his gear to zoom passed the titans, cutting their necks with accuracy.

Mikasa x Jean

Mikasa got permission from the other two captains to leave the wall and pursue Eren. It didn't take her long to attach herself to her brother. "Eren, give me the kid."

Eren didn't even look at her as he screeched.

"Give me the kid, NOW."


"Damn it, Eren." She shouted. "You're going to kill it ,so let go." She used her blade to force Eren's hand open. She saw the boy was sound asleep. But as soon as she touched him, he woke up and started crying.

"Screech." Eren seemed angry. He took the kid into his other hand to protect it from her.

Mikasa looked at Eren in disbelief. "Eren, this isn't a game. If that kid dies, Levi's sacrifice will be for nothing."

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