4 | Can I stay?

807 38 1

Yoona's POV ❣️

"Well, your window was open" the handsome jerk smirks, "Put your clothes on"

I throw a pillow at him, "You pervert, wait until I get changed"

[NOTE: Yoona isn't naked. She's just wrapped in a towel]

I quickly get changed and come out drying my hair. The jerk was laying on bed reading my books.

"Yah! Get out of my room, I mean my house" I shout.

"I have nowhere to stay. Let me stay here"

"Go to Donghae"

"Just let me stay here. Please"

"You know how to say please?"

"Come on. I really have nowhere to go"

"I know. I know you were kicked out because of the money you've spent on"

"How did you-"

"I know everything. But-"


"I can't let you stay here. A girl and a boy can't sleep together"


"Who knows what will happen?"

"I'm not that type of guy. Yeah, I'm mean and rude and stuff, but I don't do those things you're imagining"

"Shut up and leave. Ppali (hurry)"

"Let me stay please?"

"What will you do for me if I let you stay?"

"You're not good in studying right? I can help you"

"Says the one who always sleeps in class"

"I'm serious. You can check my report cards"

He hands me a picture of his report card. It's true. He sure is smart.

"You didn't fake this did you?" I ask in disbelief.

"Why would I?" he cross his arms.

"Let me think for awhile"

Should I let him stay for awhile? He has nowhere to go. Ugh. Just for awhile. Endure it. It's okay. Fine. I'll just let him stay.

"Okay. But you need to help me raise my grades or I'm gonna throw your stuff outside. And I have my conditions"

"What's your condition?"

"One, don't make any noise or my parents will come in. I'm gonna be dead. And you'll be dead too. Two, we'll eat breakfast outside to avoid suspicion. Three, during dinner, I'll bring up some food and we'll eat together. If you need midnight snacks, wake me up. Don't go down. Four, i'll sleep on the bed, you'll sleep on the floor with a sleeping bag. That's it"

"Let me sleep on the bed"

"This is my room. If you don't like it, the window is open. You can go back"

"Fine... Actually, you're rich. Why bother riding a school bus?"

"Because I wanna live a simple life, not showing off like you"


"My parents are gonna hear us. Shut up. Go to shower. You need a toothbrush don't you? I'll go get one in the storeroom. Don't go anywhere"

"Okay. I'll wait for you in the bathroom"

"You pervert"

I quickly went downstairs and head for the storeroom to get one toothbrush. I hurriedly rush back upstairs and knock on the bathroom door.

Shoot! Why is he only covering the bottom part? I don't wanna see your abs.

"Yah, cover your upper part too. It's disgusting" I whisper.

"I know you like it" he smirks.

"Just quickly finish what you're doing and come out. I have something to say"


He quickly do what I say and came out. I gesture him to sit on the bed next to me, while I went to lock my bedroom door and close the windows and curtains. I then proceed to sit on the bed.

"What's your name? I keep calling you a jerk. Tell me your name" I ask.

"It's Oh Sehun. You?"

"I'm Im Yoona. Oh, btw, don't you need to work? To get the money back?"

"I do, but I haven't found a place yet"

"Where do you want to work at?"

"A coffee shop?"

"You know how to make coffee?"

"I do"

"After school, I'll help you find a place where you can work then, with Donghae"

"Do you want me to quickly leave?"

"Of course. Why would I want you here?"

"I have a question. Where does your parents stay?"

"Upstairs. This level is mine. Everything. The library, the playroom and everything, and music room"

"You're so rich"

"So are you"

"Can we visit the music room? Is it soundproof?"

"It's soundproof. Only I can enter there because it needs my fingerprint to access the room"

"Can we go there tonight? When everyone is asleep?"

"Actually, there's a secret place, more like a tunnel that's connected from my room to the music room. But not the underground one. You see that shelf? It's behind that shelf. I always go there when I'm having a hard time. If you want to go there, we could go now"

"Then let's go"

We headed for the music room through the tunnel. Everyone is already asleep at this hour so, why not?

He seems amazed by the room. He went to sit at the piano and starts playing it.

He looks so cool from the back~ I can't believe he could do so many things...

After we spend some time knowing about each other and playing some instruments, we got tired. So, we quickly head for bed.

Bus Stop | Yoonhun [Yoona & Sehun] ✨ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now