24 | The truth

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>>dal.komm coffee<<

Yoona's mom arrived first, so she waited for Sehun and Donghyuk to arrive.

Soon, a black car parked right in front of store. The dad and son came out and heads towards Yoona's mom table.

"Good morning mom~" Sehun bows.

"Yeah, have a seat" Yoona's mom gestures.

"What's the matter?" Donghyuk asks.

"Why don't you ask your son?"

"Son, what happened?"

"Yoona is pregnant with Donghae..."

"She what?!"

"I think you got it wrong, honey. Don't assume things too quickly" Yoona's mom fake smiles.

"W-what do you mean?" Sehun stutters.

"Now, let me ask you. What did you do in Maldives?" Yoona's mom starts questioning Sehun while Donghyuk listens.

"We did that-"

"Why are you assuming it's Donghae's?"

"Because I heard him say if Yoona tells me about it, I'm gonna be angry. Plus, they're so lovey dovey and they look like they can't live without each other"

"Then, let me ask you this. Do you love my daughter?"

"Y-yes. I do"

"Why didn't you trust her?"


"Because you like assuming things before knowing the truth. You didn't even gave her a chance to explain. You kept getting angry at her. Imagine this. Imagine being in her shoes. Carrying the baby is hard enough, but you're making it harder for her. She needs her husband to take care of her, but you're not there. Not next to her. It's her best friends. They've always been there through her tough times. She fainted, but you didn't even bother checking up on her. All you think about was leaving the house, not wanting an explanation. Most importantly, you never trusted her"


"Yoona is planning to live abroad because she doesn't want to experience heartbreaks here"


"I pity my daughter so much. She's been puking all day long. Her husband didn't even trust her. My poor daughter"

"Can't she stay here with me?"

"You broke her, Sehun. It's up to you now, how you'll change her mind. I'm not helping you in this because you're the one who caused this"

"Oh Sehun! I told you not to hurt her did I?" Sehun's dad yells.

"Where is she now?"

"In the house of course"

"Dad, I'll get going. I need my wife back"

After Sehun bids goodbye to his mother-in-law and his dad, he heads to a flower shop and bought a bouquet of flowers for his wife. He quickly drives to his house. The house was quiet. He went upstairs to his room, to see Yoona sleeping hugging the teddy Sehun gave her.

Sehun felt really sorry.

"I'm sorry, my wife. I never knew you were going through so much hard times. I'm so sorry I didn't trust you. I promise to trust you from now on. Please don't leave me. Please don't go abroad" Sehun mutters under his breath.

Sehun have been laying next to Yoona while staring at her. Soon, she woke up and got surprised, "Why are you here?!!"

"I came to stay with my wife. I bought you flowers" Sehun says as he hands the flowers to Yoona.

Yoona took the flower with a suspicious look. She starts sniffing it, but- again, she wants to puke. She quickly ran to the bathroom with Sehun following behind. She starts puking while Sehun helps pats her back.

He helps gets tissues for her to wipe her mouth. They then came out from the bathroom with Sehun helping Yoona.

"Why are you suddenly being so nice? I'm not used to it" Yoona stares.

"I'm sorry wifey" Sehun bends down and holds Yoona's hand, "I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I'm sorry for leaving you when you're having a hard time. I'm sorry for being a bad husband. Remember I used to say, if you're pregnant, i'll look after you? I will do it now. I won't leave you anymore. Most importantly, I won't leave you alone again"

"I thought you said Donghae and I were having an affair?"

"I was wrong babe"

"You still need to do your assignment"

"I don't care. I'm not going to their house again. It doesn't matter if I fail that subject. Dad said make sure I spend more time with you. He doesn't care about my scores. As long as he can see his grandchildren born, it doesn't matter. So, I'll stay here and take care of you"

"You need to gain my heart again then. You broke it. It needs to stick back. It needs time to heal"

"I will try my best to gain your trust. I promise"

"Give it a try then. I'm hungry. Let's go down"

Sehun holds Yoona's hand downstairs for her stability. As Yoona proceeds downstairs, she quickly rummage through her fridge and decided to cook american breakfast while Sehun helps her.

Chanyeol and Donghae woke up and heads outside still in their pajamas.

"What are you making Yoong?" Donghae yawns. "Wait-?"

"Yeah... I'm back" Sehun rubs his neck. "I'm sorry guys... for being stupid"

"Hmmm. It's fine. Yoona's the one who's hurt... not us" Chanyeol blurts out.

"Right.." Donghae adds.

"That's why I'm coming back to gain her trust" Sehun blushes.

After cooking, Yoona places the plates on the table and they start having their breakfast.

"Sehun, just a reminder, Yoona is hard-headed. It will be hard to move her heart" Donghae smirks.

"No matter how hard it is, I'll try until she forgives me, until she fall in love in with me again" Sehun smiles.

"I never stopped loving you, I'm just broken" Yoona sighs.

Bus Stop | Yoonhun [Yoona & Sehun] ✨ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now