8 | Scared

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Yoona's Pov ❣️

I guess I'm the first one to wake up. I got up and notice that I'm still holding his hand and I guess he placed my head on his leg. He must've been so uncomfortable. I slowly got up and laid his head on the sofa. Since he was sleep sitting the whole night, his back must've hurt. I laid him on the sofa in a sleeping position and heads upstairs to shower.

After getting ready for school, I went down to wake the two up.

"Sehun?.... Wake up"

"LeeDonggg wake up"

The two slowly got up and sits upright.

"Go and take a shower. I'll be making breakfast. Sehun, you can shower in my room and Donghae, you can shower in the guest room"

Author's POV ❣️

"Can't I shower in your room too?" Donghae pouts.

"No. It's the same. Just go and shower" Yoona demands.

After the two finished showering, they head down with their uniform and heads for the dining room.

Donghae rushes to Yoona, "Heol. You know how to cook? Sehun, have you tried her cooking?"

"Of course I did. It tastes so good"

Yoona then places 3 plates on the table.

"I didn't know what you guys like, but we only have this available right now. American style breakfast"

"As long as you make it, I'm sure it's tasty" Donghae starts digging into his food.

Soon, they finish their breakfast. As usual, they walks to the bus stop and waited for the bus.


Since they arrived at the school early, the school gate isn't open yet. Suddenly a gang of girls walks towards Yoona and grabs her wrist.

Sehun holds the girl's wrist, "What are you doing?!"

"I have something to teach her"

"What?" Yoona asks with a no fun expression.

"Why did you shout at my sister and made her embarrassed in front of her classmates?"


The girls drags her away. "I will be okay" Yoona mouths to Sehun and Donghae.

"Yah. I don't think this is great. Let's follow them" Donghae said worriedly.

"Let's go"

When they reached a quiet place, the leader of the gang walks towards Yoona about to slap her when Yoona grabs the girl's hand and pushes her away until she fell on the ground. Yoona went near the girl and holds her name tag "Lee.Yeseul, I'll remember you"

"Yah!" Yeseul starts pulling Yoona's hair when Yoona grabs Yeseul's wrist and twist it.

"You don't want to try me. I learn taekwondo" Yoona smirks.

Bus Stop | Yoonhun [Yoona & Sehun] ✨ COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now