New Beginnings.

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Laura drove up to parking lot in Rockford Hills and pulled up in the space, Michael sighed but didn't speak, he had the expression on his face that she couldn't read. Something was bothering him but Laura didn't wanna impinge on his personal life by asking what it might be. It could be his kids, it could be something else but all in all, it was not her business. She had stopped nearly two minutes ago but Michael didn't make a move to leave and she didn't mind waiting for him to make up his mind.


"Oh.. yeah. We're here"

"We were here a while ago. Are you sure you're okay?" She frowned a little and stroked his arm with the tip of her fingers.

"Yeah, I just... I mean, it feels that the moment I step out of this car, this dream would end and I'd go home to.. everything"

"I know, Michael.. I know how you feel"

He didn't respond, instead he just looked outside through the window, Laura didn't know what to do, she just wanted to comfort him now, whatever it takes. She couldn't see him like this, the moment she opened her mouth to say something, Michael turned his head towards her.

"Do you wanna get drunk with me?" He said.

"Michael. Getting drunk isn't the answer"

"There's no question here to answer for. There's just fun. I don't wanna spoil how great this day was" he said and leaned back in the seat.

"So what do you wanna do?"

"How do you spend the night?"

"I'd actually sleep" she laughed. "But since you're with me, how about just fucking around til sunrise so we can see it together"

"All fucking night, eh?" He smiled to her.

"Let's go all fucking night, Mikey" she smiled softly at him.

"I'm up for that. Let's go"

"Your kids are gonna be okay?"

"Don't worry about them, they're adults"

"If you say so"

Laura turned the car around headed for Vespucci Beach, it was now 10pm and they had plenty of time to spend together and Laura kinda like how the situation turned out. She smiled subconsciously as she drove towards the west end of Vespucci.

"Hey, stop here. You want to race me?"


"No, bikes"

"Bikes? I've never done that"

"Then let's go do it. It'll fit well on our schedule, I'll go rent some bikes for us"

He got out of the car and walked to the bike rental place to talk to the guy. It was a humble looking place, a single window where the guy leaned in to talk to Michael. He had Radio X blasting from the stereo and Laura enjoyed his choice. He had first protested that he was about to close down and leave but Michael had convinced him to rent him the two bikes for the night but on the condition that we return them tomorrow morning. That was how everything decided to play out, and they both got on the bikes, riding them on the path. Laura was feeling so satisfied and happy when she was with Michael, he rode effortlessly at first then started to slow down.

"Getting tired?"

"Oh, me? No, I just thought I'd give you a chance to catch up" he said.

She laughed as a response in a who-are-you-kidding sort of way.

"Tell you what. I only race for wages, count it as motivation"

"Hmm.. what would be the wager in this case?"

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