Welcome To My Life

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(Apparently there are five constant readers so far and I'd like to thank you very much and I hope you enjoy this story. It means a lot to me so this chapter is for you, my readers. Thank you! <33)


Micheal sat back on the couch, it was getting late and he knew he had to go. But each time he thought about leaving, his brain was consumed with thoughts of home. Thoughts of Dave. Thoughts of Trevor. He felt restless. He couldn't feel guilty though, he wasn't exactly at fault here. He was just going to have a quick beer and go home. Laura's head leaned on Michael's shoulder while he stared at the TV deep in thought. He waited for her to close the TV so he can leave before it got more late.

"Hey, Laura, I'm gonna have to go"

He moved his shoulder so that the woman would face him so he could talk to her properly but when she didn't move, he looked at her and saw she was sleeping.

"Oh, she..?"

Michael looked at the fading light outside the window and Laura's head was leaning on him and the couch at the same time. He knew he couldn't leave her on there, if anything, it would hurt her neck. He knew much about that over his numerous nights being spent in the backseat of his car. He got up and picked up Laura gently and headed towards the bedroom, it took him a while to find it as he took his time to look around the house, stopping to look at pictures of her and stuff he wondered whether she drew that or it was just a product of Los Santos' various artists.

He finally found the bedroom and went around to put Laura on the bed gently not to wake her up. She turned to her side when he set her down and he smiled as he watched. Then he was left wondering what would it feel if he woke up next to her, the thought alone made him feel soothed. But no, he wouldn't put her in that situation. Even though they shared a kiss, it was wrong to even trail her along like that. He was married for Christ's sake, loveless as it was, still marriage.

"What I wouldn't give for another" he whispered in the darkness.

If his wife won't respect the vows of marriage, why should he? It wasn't but a few weeks ago when he caught her in bed with her tennis coach and boy did he feel stupid, he mentally cursed himself for thinking about that now. He continued to watch a sleeping Laura as he sat on the side of the bed and dug into his pocket to fish out his ring. He wondered if this piece of metal really meant anything, he used to keep it on his finger no matter what shit Amanda or he did but now he just found himself taking it off whenever he was around Laura. At times he wondered if the absence of the ring caused that kiss because it came after the question of his relationship status which further reinforced his theory of them not sharing a kiss at all if the ring was present. Michael shook his head, he was still married, unhappily but married. He turned to look at Laura and thought why life wasn't going the way he wanted it to, it's true he aimed for the money and family but now after having them both, they just felt empty. Sure he slept around once or twice but now Amanda was taking it too far with the tennis coach. He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand and got up to leave, secretly wishing some force would have him stay and not leave, but life doesn't work like that. He left a note for her and locked the doors, getting out the door in the back, taking a look at Los Santos at night. The cool crisp air of the city always seemed to soothe him, he leaned on the balcony, scanning the thinning streets downtown. A beer would make this view a hundred times better but that would something for another time. Now he just needed to go home, making his way to the street. He walked, digging his phone out of his pocket as he looked around and gave the area a quick scan. He needed to have a talk with Dave, he needed reassurance that the FIB won't act out in their interest against him but that was a matter for another time. Right now, he thought of today and realised it was time to introduce Laura to his associates. This quicksand was pulling him deeper and in case she needed help, or anything. He wanted to be there for her when he couldn't be. He punched in the number and waited for the call to be connected, he leaned back and scanned the area again, still a long way til he reached the main road near downtown Vinewood.

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