Horizons Meet

693 36 14

{Sorry about the absence, i mean it. I hope you like this chapter! It's good to be back}

The first rounds of drinks went down quickly only to be followed by seconds. They'd left for another bar which was more quiet than this one and spent time talking about college and the time that followed which would be rich in opportunities and energy. Laura downed a drink in one go, completely losing track of how much she had. She looked at her drinking companion and was greeted with the same warm smile she first saw him with.

"Those were more than one drink, Dave"

She slurred to the man who only smiled in response. Laura thought his smile was charming, it made her forget about everything around her. It was one of those smiles. Captivating and visually enjoyable. He noticed that and just shook his head, downing another drink. She watched him do that and then wondered if maybe he wanted to forget something as well so she extended her hand to get another shot but not swallowing it at once, she just looked at the clear liquid inside as if it was poison and that wasn't entirely wrong. It was poison that just numbed everything and made her focus on this strange man in front of her, wanting nothing else to distract her from the present, not the imaginable future she once had nor the distant past she was so desperate to avoid. This moment and in that moment she gave in. To the numbness. 


With the coming of the next morning, the numbness disappeared as she slowly opened her eyes and didn't move. She was in his room, in his bed but Laura made no move to get out of it but at the same time she didn't want to stick longer and have him wake up and then have an awkward breakfast together. The thought of that made her sit up as silent as she could and gathered her stuff, quickly getting dressed. She liked when one night stands would end up in the guy's place, that way she could just slip away, preventing any weird occurrences or unwanted chatter. After she was finished putting on her shoes, it was time to go. She stood up and walked to the door.

"So, you're just gonna leave without a note or anything?"

Dave said in a groggy voice. Laura just stood there, wondering what to say so Dave just continued.

"I'm sorry, that was me trying to be.. cool, I guess. I mean what I mean to say is that I really didn't say that to embarrass you and I'm sorry if I did but I was just wondering.. you know what? forget it. I won't push you into anything"

Laura sighed and then turned around to face him, seeing that he was now sitting up but leaning back on the headboard. He had an unsure look on his face but other than that he looked pretty peaceful when he had just woken up. It seems like he had gotten nervous because of the silence because he was the first to speak.

"I'm sorry.. I just haven't done this in a while"

"What? Spending the night with a stranger?

"Yeah.. Let it be known that I didn't mean to bore you with the details but it's rarely been like this ever since my divorce"

Laura just took one step forward as if that little piece of information allowed her to connect more with this man. It was something in common and it was as if that made more comfortable concerning the situation. 

"So.. I understand if you wanna leave"

"Yeah, it's for the best. I mean, I understand that this could be a little tricky on you since you're divorced as well"

Laura said without thinking, immediately regretting that. Dave's back moved back from the headboard and he looked at her for a while before he replied. She gave him plenty of space to do that because she was too busy to do that.

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