Genre: Crime/Drama

829 49 19

Michael was walked out with Solomon Richards. THE Solomon Richards, and he was ecstatic. Finally meeting his movie role model and not only that, helping him. That was a material of his dreams. He secretly pinched himself while walking out with this legendary producer, making sure he doesn't notice this little pain festival going on under his suit.

"Michael, you've been such great help to me. You have my number and I'd like to see you around here again"

Solomon said to a happy Michael.

"Yes, sir. I'll be here as soon as you call. After all, you did say I was your new assistant. Which, by the way, I'm very honoured to be"

"I'm glad you do. Hey, stay sharp"

"Sure thing, Mr Richards"

Michael smiled and made his way to his car, unlocking the door and getting in. He pulled from the parking lot and made his way out, coming to the first red light, he felt the reality of the situation crashing down. His family had left him, his wife ran away with her yoga instructor. His kids followed their mother and all he had at home was broken glass and things everywhere. Mainly concentrated in the kitchen and he had fired the maid. He sighed and looked at the steering wheel, a voice in him told him to have some dignity and not think about it anymore but it was bothering him. A bit too much than usual, he looked at his phone, thinking of cancelling dinner tonight with Laura. Ah, Laura. He wanted to see her but not like this. Not when he's such scum, not even his kids wanna see him or be near him. What was wrong with him, he thought. The guy behind honked the horn more than once, Michael noticed the light was now green.

"What is wrong with you!"

"I wish I knew" Michael said with a sigh.


Laura looked at her reflection in the mirror, fixing her hair. Everything looked good, the food smelled good and she looked good. She was all set, she needed that. She sat on the couch and switched on the TV, watching some would pass the time. Just a few minutes now, she took a breath and looked at her clock.

A few more minutes.

A few hours later..?

Where is he.

It was now midnight and Laura held her phone while shaking her leg nervously. What was the next step? Calling the hospitals? Ugh, she hated being kept in the dark. A few hundreds of calls to his phone not being answered, worry was starting to creep in. She looked out the window and no one was there. No car, no nothing.

"Where are you, Michael"

She went back to the couch and sat, leaning her head on her hands. She thought of people who might know where he is. She opened the phonebook, perhaps there is where she'd find another number for him or the people he spoke of, it would be a long shot but at least it would ease her mind. She flipped it open and saw the name "Devin Weston" circled with a marker. It was from a previous time and from a different her.

She heard a car and she hurriedly put the phone book down and hurriedly rushed the window, seeing it was a taxi. She sighed and moved her head from the window, but upon looking again, she saw Michael descending from the vehicle. She opened the door for him as he stumbled her way. He was drunk, she could smell the alcohol and sweat as he leaned against the doorway, frowning at her.

"Honey, I.." he slurred in what seemed to be an apologetic speech. Pouring his heart out wasn't what happened, pouring his stomach out was. He vomited on her feet and nearly lost his balance doing so.

Laura bit her lower lip and didn't look down, she chose not to say anything at all. Michael stumbled to the couch and decided to crash there. She closed the door and clenched her jaw, looking back at Michael who continued his slurring, probably thinking she was listening. This was turning into quite a night. A night of cleaning.

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