Life 101: What's Fake and What's True

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(Another chapter so soon? Whaaaaaat? I've been feeling the ideas flow on this thing for quite some time so I'll bless you with this chapter. Also, tell me what you think of the exciting new turns i'm taking this story on. As always, love to hear your thoughts <3)

Laura leaned back on the pillow, drawing in a deep breath and soon exhaling it as quickly as it had gone in. It was still dark out, so no light other than the passing cars had slipped in the room and when it did, she'd see Dave sleeping next to her. It had been a while since they've had done this, acting like two college kids. It wasn't something she saw herself doing so maybe that's what made it so exciting, she knew she felt that rush whenever she was with him and it was a lot better than being alone. She looked at Dave again and finally laid down, setting her head on the pillows and just moved closer to him, slipping her arm underneath his so she could somewhat hold him. Her movements must've woke him up because she felt him grab her hands gently but firmly and then she felt his lips on them. That made her smile.

"I didn't mean to wake you up"

"It's okay, i'll fall right back to sleep then"

"Don't let me stop you"

She laughed at that, leaning her forehead against his back.

"Will you be here when I wake up?"

He said in a low voice, not turning around to face her. It had been his habit to ask her that at least once when they were in bed together. Sometimes the answer would vary depending on her mood and his. 

"Yes. Yes, I'll be here"

"That's good. Thank you"

There was a moment of silence before any of them spoke again. They just sat there in a comfortable silence. The only other sounds invading their silence was the street sounds.

"Actually I have to get up earlier tomorrow, I have something I have to do"

"Oh, top secret FIB work?"

She said teasingly to him, she was lucky he couldn't see her face because there was a wide smile on it. He had been up front of what he did for a living and Laura didn't mind that. There was something good about a love affair with someone on the right side of the law for once. He didn't talk much about his job and she didn't pressure him, she didn't need to know anything since this wasn't even close to a proper relationship. 

"Yeah, and I'm really not feeling so good about shooting someone after I've told them"

He said and laughed soon afterwards, holding her hand in a firm grip. She didn't mind, in fact she liked it since it had been a while since she felt like this. 

"Well, I'm gonna go ahead and shut up because I'd hate to be shot"

Dave then turned around to face her, his face still softened by sleep. Laura liked it and smiled at it, he returned it. His hand soon went up to gently touch her cheek, she leaned in a little bit into his touch. 

"I'll probably be out before you wake up but I'll make sure to leave you a cup of coffee waiting for you in the kitchen"

"I'd appreciate that"

"Hey, anything for my occasional lover"

Laura laughed and slapped his chest playfully, it only made him pull her closer to him. Her face rested against his chest. He felt warm and peaceful. It was familiar and it would painfully remind her of Michael, the man who was plastered over her ex husband, new painful memories over old ones. It was like a fresh layer of paint over an old wall that was falling apart. She felt her body tighten over the memories she had gone over in such a short time. Dave seemed to have noticed it.

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