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1999 Tree Hill, North Carolina

It was a quiet night in Tree Hill, North Carolina.

Three children had been born this year. Three children who were all from the same father. Two of these three children were twins. Of the three children that were born, two were boys, and one was a girl. Their names.

Logan May Scott.

Nathan Royal Scott.

Lucas Eugene Scott.

Everyone knew who their father was. He was a basketball prodigy at Tree Hill High School, nothing came between him and the game. He earned himself a full-ride scholarship to Duke, right here in North Carolina, until he learned his high school girlfriend was pregnant. This man.

Dan Scott.

Now, of course, he knows about all three children, and the streets of North Carolina were quiet on this specific night. Dan Scott was on a mission. He was driving down the street to his ex's house at the moment, to finish some business he needed to attend to.

Karen Roe sat quietly in her house reading a book as her twins, Lucas and Logan Scott were fast asleep. They were born three months ago and were finally at a place where they fell asleep through the night. But Karen was so used to being up in the middle of the night, and the fact that she was only 17 years old, she knew how to stay up late.

Her back door opened and her ex-boyfriend Dan Scott came walking inside. Karen set her book down as soon as Dan walked into the house and she stood up. "You need to leave Dan, now." She snapped at him.

"I want my daughter," Dan said, and Karen immediately shook her head.

"You weren't there when I gave birth and Keith called you! She is three months old, she is used to me, she is on a routine, you can't have her, you lost that right." Karen said.

"My daughter. I can have her." Dan said as he tried to make his way back into the bedroom, but Karen shoved him and she narrowed her eyes at her ex.

"You are not taking my child." She said.

"Our child," Dan said.

"You lost that right when you didn't show up!" Karen hissed at him, but what Karen didn't know was. Dan did show up that night. As soon as Keith called he rushed to the hospital, as fast as he could without getting a ticket so he could see his twins be born, but when he got there.

Keith was already in the room with Karen, and she had already pushed Lucas out.

"Fine, I wonder if the judge will decide in my favor since you spend your time with my older brother who does nothing but drink himself away. Last time I checked alcohol and babies don't mix, plus... I have my parents and a stable family. Who do you think the judge will go for?" He asked. Karen glared at her ex, but she let his words sink in, and they were starting to get to her head. "You can give her to me now... or we can take this to court," Dan said.

Karen held her glare as long as she could before she turned around and walked off in the direction of her new nursery. Her children were still fast asleep, and she carefully picked up Anastasia and kissed the top of her head as tears started to flow down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Logan... maybe one day you will understand why I'm doing this." She whispered before carrying her child out. Dan's eyes lit up when he saw the small baby girl in Karen's arms. Before handing her over. Karen backhanded Dan across the face. "I never knew you could be this evil." She said, shaking her head. Dan carefully took his daughter into his hands, and he looked at Karen.

"Of course, I'll still support Lucas... I would like to file for joint custody." Dan said.

Karen shook her head, and she wanted to spit in his face, but she didn't want to risk any of it getting on her baby. "Go to hell, Dan!" She snapped at him.

"Very well... but I'd think about it. Every kid needs their father." He said, before he turned around and walked out of the house, and after securing Logan into Nathan's car seat in the back.

He drove her to her new home.

Karen locked the door after Dan had gone, and she walked back into the nursery to see the crib that had once had two babies inside, now only had one. She picked up Lucas and cradled him close to her and she whispered to him.

"I am so sorry Lucas... I hope one day you can connect with your sister." She whispered to her son. "And I hope one day, you'll forgive me for what I did." For the next 17 years, Karen watched as the biggest mistake of her life bit her in the ass.

She watched as Logan grew up in Dan's poisonous household where everything was about making Nathan the best basketball player in town, just like he was. She watched as Logan turned from a sweet young child to a rough around the edges preteen, and a completely withdrawn teenager.

She saw how she treated those around her, but she never did anything to Lucas. Lucas never told her about how Logan was mean to him, or anything that she did to him. She knows that Logan talks to Keith, much against her father's wishes. There are only four people who know about that night. The night that Nathan was born.

Deb. Karen. Dan, and Keith.

No one else needed to know, and for the time being, no one would know. But secrets don't always stay buried for long, and a secret this big, was bound to come to the surface eventually, and what happens when it does? Do bonds break, or do they become stronger?

How can someone live with such a big secret?

welcome to sister scott!
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