17 | Leaving Songs

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
Things are getting worse, and I'm running out of excuses to tell people. Nathan knows that something is going on. He's heard me puking, he's seen the wrappers of empty food strung out in the passenger seat of my car and in my room that I keep forgetting to clean. He's onto me. I can't keep coming up with many excuses for throwing up, especially since I don't look physically sick. My Mom noted that I looked skinnier than the last time she saw me, but I played that off by asking, how would she know since she's gone all the time and my weight hasn't changed since she last left. I don't particularly feel good about that, but I don't feel good about a lot of things right now. I don't know how much longer I can hide this. I thought I was good at hiding it, but I'm getting sloppy. Does that mean I secretly want to be caught and forced into getting help? Or do I just watch too many crime shows?
Logan S.


The next morning, Logan made herself presentable enough before going to Lucas' house. She still felt awful from making herself throw up in the middle of the night, and she had filled one of her tumbler cups with ginger ale to sip on throughout the day because her stomach still felt awful. Logan knocked on the door that led to Lucas' room and he let her inside.

"My Mom's in the kitchen, but I wanted to wait for you to get here," Lucas said and Logan nodded. That's when he noticed her appearance, and even though Logan had tried to pull herself together, she still looked a little disheveled. "Are you alright, Lo?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay... I just didn't sleep well last night, I'll try and take a nap later," She said. Lucas nodded as the two left his room to join Karen in the kitchen. She was sitting at the table and she smiled when she saw them walk in.

"Logan, good morning. Are you joining us for breakfast?" Karen asked and Logan looked at Lucas.

"Mom, I wanted to talk to you and I asked Logan to be here," Lucas said.

"What's wrong?" Karen asked.

"Last night, I saw Dan... He said something, and then Logan said something back, and Dan told me to ask you what really happened back then. Do you know what they're talking about?" Lucas asked. Karen looked at Logan who slowly nodded her head.

"Who knows, it's Dan," Karen said and Logan frowned.

"Mom... Dan said something about how is he the bad guy for helping Logan, and Logan said he's the bad guy for kidnapping her from her biological Mom and forcing her Mom to play along with his game. What are they talking about?" Lucas asked again and Karen sighed, knowing she wasn't going to be able to deflect.

"I'm sorry... I was so angry at him that I spoke without thinking," Logan said and Karen shook her head.

"It's not your fault, Logan," Karen said and then she turned to Lucas. "Luke, you know that I have always had your best interest in mind since day one. You believe that, right?" Karen asked and Lucas nodded.

"Yeah," He said.

"When Deb was able to bring Nathan home from the hospital, a few days after he was born. Dan came to the house and he forced me to give him Logan. She's not Nathan's twin, she's yours. And then he had the nerve to ask for joint custody," Karen said.

"You told me that he never showed up, that he didn't want anything to do with us. My whole life, I had a twin, and I had no idea," Lucas said as he shook his head.

"He didn't show up at first, but once Nathan was born and he moved back to town with Deb, he told me he wanted to help raise you, but he wanted Logan to be raised with Nathan. He threatened to take me to court, knowing that I wouldn't be able to fight him and win. When he asked for joint custody of you, I said no. I couldn't let him take my other child," Karen said.

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