14 | Boy Toy

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
I'm sure you've seen or heard, but every year, the basketball team puts on this fundraiser called the 'Boy Toy' auction. I know the innuendos that are involved with that, but the money goes to charity. But I know some of the guys and the girls who buy them get a little carried away. Last year and this year, I bought Nathan, which seems crazy since Peyton is his girlfriend, but somehow both years around auction time they've been fighting. So, Peyton wouldn't want to buy him, but she also didn't want any of the other girls to get him so I would buy him for her. The only thing is, as per the rules of the auction, at midnight, you have to kiss. Obviously, Nathan and I skip out on that part. Thankfully, the cheerleaders are not bid on, but could you imagine that? Honestly, even though the money goes to charity, the whole concept of it is still kind of gross. When I think from the perspective of if it were me and my squad being bid on, it's like... what's my monetary worth to give to charity? I don't know, something about that is just icky. Maybe I'm overthinking, but the only reason I do participate in it is because I know the money bid and collected goes to charity. What do you think?
Logan S.


It was time again for the annual Boy Toy auction.

Logan was thinking this year she would either buy Roman or Lucas. Buying Lucas would give her a chance to spend more one-on-one time with him, but she thought about buying Roman for the same reason. She knew to spend time with either of them, she would just have to ask, but at least the money she was spending towards buying them went to a good cause.

Logan was currently at her school, where the auction was taking place. She had just found Peyton and Haley in the crowd. "Hey," Logan said as she hugged them.

"Hey, Lo," Haley greeted her and then she turned to Peyton. "See anything you like?" She asked and Peyton nodded.

"I'm seeing everything I like," Peyton said and Logan laughed.

"Really?" Logan asked.

"But I think I'm going to bid on Jake," Peyton said and Logan nodded.

"Should I bid on Roman or Lucas? My motives for either are to spend more time with them, but I'm just not sure which one," Logan said.

"Roman," Haley and Peyton said at the same time. Logan rolled her eyes and laughed.

"You're both hitting it off with your guys, aren't you?" Haley asked. Peyton shook her head while Logan rolled her eyes again, but she was smiling.

"Roman is not my guy," Logan said.

"Yet," Peyton said and then she turned to Haley. "And anyway, Jake and I are just friends," She said.

"For now," Logan shot in and Peyton gave her a look, to which Logan just smiled.

"What about you, Hales? Are you ready to fight off these rabid skanks for Nathan?" Peyton asked.

"Trust us... the girls go crazy for Nathan every year. Last year, I had to pay $200 for my own brother just to outbid everyone. He and Peyton were in a fight, so she didn't want to buy him but also didn't want the other girls to buy him either," Logan said and Haley laughed.

"Actually, I'm going to bid on Lucas," Haley said.

"Ah, so your ulterior motives for telling me to bid on Roman," Logan teased and Haley laughed.

"No, you should bid on him because you two obviously like each other. I'm bidding on Lucas because he pointed out at the Classics that we really haven't spent time with each other like we used to since I started dating Nathan. He's right and it makes me feel bad, so I want to use this to get us back on track. Plus, I get Nathan for free," Haley said with a wink. Logan and Peyton laughed and then Whitey came to the stage.

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