2 | Fear

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Logan Scott sat on the gym floor of Tree Hill High School, in her cheerleading uniform, to stretch out her legs before the game started. The boys were warming up on the court. Her best friends, Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer were standing in front of Logan as she was stretching.

"So, that's the boy who beat Nathan?" Brooke asked as she looked at Lucas.

"Yeah, that's Lucas... the other brother," Logan said from the ground. Her back was facing the court, Brooke and Peyton were in front of her and they were facing the court. Brooke looked down at her best friend before looking back up.

"Well, he looks good from behind," Brooke said and Logan rolled her eyes.

"Gross," She mumbled and Peyton laughed. Peyton helped Logan off the ground as the boys were starting to line up to start the game. Logan was excited that Lucas was playing in his first official game as a Raven, but she was also nervous for him... More scared for him than nervous.

She knew between Nathan, Roman, and Tim, Lucas wouldn't get many touches on the ball. She knew the three of them pretty much keep to themselves on offense, and use the other two players on the court for defense. Nathan and Roman are the highest scorers on the team, Nathan is just a few points ahead of Roman.

The two grew up playing basketball together since grade school, that's how they became so close. They played AAU together, which is club basketball. Nathan and Roman are the real package deal, Tim is just there because he hangs onto Nathan's every word and never contradicts him.

The ball got passed to Lucas, but he missed the catch. Logan and Peyton stepped apart as the ball came flying their way, out of bounds. Logan gave Lucas a sad smile while Peyton gave him a sarcastic look. "Nice hands," She said with no enthusiasm.

"Nice legs," Lucas shot back before running back onto the court. Peyton's eyes widened and Logan laughed at her reaction.

Lucas' night didn't get any better. Every time the ball was passed to him to score, he missed the shot. On the second shot he missed, Nathan got the rebound and scored. Logan frowned, she knew he was probably nervous. Whhitey ended up benching him for the rest of the game.

The Ravens went on to win.


Logan was waiting by the locker room after the game, she wanted to say something to Lucas. She wanted to tell him she was sorry about today's game and she knew he'd do better next time. She was feeling nervous. It would be the second time she's actually talked to him. When Lucas walked out of the locker room, he didn't see Logan right away because where she was standing on the wall was behind him.

"Lucas!" She called out after him. He stopped walking and turned around. When he noticed it was Logan who called him, he was a little surprised. He didn't move any closer, so she approached him. "I'm sorry... about how tonight went for you. I was really hoping that you would do well," Logan said. Lucas nodded as he looked at her.

"Yeah, me too... I'll see you around, Logan," He said as he walked away. Logan watched where he was going and she saw Keith and Haley waiting for him. Keith looked at his niece with a smile on his face when she walked to Lucas, and when she shrugged, he laughed.

"Logan May!" She heard Dan Scott's voice. Her eyes were still locked with Keith's and when she rolled her eyes, Keith laughed. She sighed and turned around to walk over to her father, who was standing on the court, waiting for Nathan to come out of the locker room.

"Yes, Dad, how may I help you?" Logan asked.

"Why were you talking to Lucas?" Dan asked.

"Because he's my brother and he had a crappy game, so I told him I was sorry he played like crap," Logan said as she shrugged.

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