18 | Played

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Tree Hill Raven's basketball, brought to you by the webcast at Ravenshoops.com. I'm Mouth McFadden and the playoffs are finally here, so throw out the perfect record, if the Ravens lose this one, the season is over."

"Just moments away from the beginning of this playoff game. Winners advance. To the losers, well, their season is over. Dan Scott is standing in for coach Whitey Durham, who is out with an illness. Not sure who signed off on that one, but let's hope Coach Durham gets better soon." Mouth commentated over the game.

"You alright?" Lucas Scott asked his brother. He, Nathan, Roman, Tim, and Jake were on the court since the game was getting ready to start. Nathan searched the crowd for Haley, while Roman searched the sidelines because he didn't see Logan with the cheerleaders.

"Have you seen Haley?" Nathan asked and Lucas shook his head.

"No," He said.

"Nate, did you and Lo leave together?" Roman asked.

"Yeah, is she not with the cheerleaders?" Nathan asked as he looked over and he didn't see Logan there. Now he was worried about two people.

Logan had been in the locker room. She told Peyton she needed a minute to calm herself down after everything. Peyton understood and gave her the space she needed, but what she really did was scarf down a few packs of donuts she bought herself and then made herself throw them up afterward. She brought both of her toothbrushes and used her main toothbrush to brush her teeth and then she popped minty gum in her mouth.

When she was finished, she grabbed her pom-poms and walked into the gym, joining the cheerleaders on the sidelines, taking her position between Brooke and Peyton. "You okay?" Peyton whispered to her and Logan nodded.

"No, I needed a minute before I had to see Dan Scott coach for four quarters," Logan said.

"What happened, Lo?" Peyton asked.

"I had a conversation with him a few days ago," Logan said as she continued to stare straight ahead at the court. Peyton nodded, knowing that wasn't a conversation for them to have right now. Roman caught Logan's eyes and she winked at her boyfriend which made him smile.

"So the Ravens take the floor and we're all set to go."


a few days ago

Logan Scott stood outside of the Scott family beach house, finally ready to confront her father about everything. She continually told herself to stay calm, and not to get too angry or lose herself in her emotions. But she also told herself to not let him manipulate the situation. She just wanted to say what she had to say and leave. After taking a few deep breaths to regulate herself, she knocked on the door.

The door opened a few moments later, and Dan Scott smiled when he saw his daughter. "Logan, I didn't know you were coming by today," He said. Logan rolled her eyes as she walked through the door, knocking him on the shoulder as she did and Dan laughed. "Nice to see you too, sweetheart," He said.

"Don't give me that crap, Dad. Why did you do it?" Logan asked. She wasn't going to make small talk, she didn't care about how his day was going, she just wanted the truth.

"What are you...-" She cut him off.

"...-No. Stop. You do not get to stand here and lie to me or try to change the subject. The cat is out of the bag, everyone knows what happened, so how about you tell the truth for once in your goddamn life!" She snapped and then she took another deep breath to calm herself down. Dan let out a deep breath, knowing he wasn't going to be able to avoid it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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