5 | Leave Behind

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
Something happened today. I got into a bad argument with my Mom. She's never around, honestly. She's always gone for work, or she's gone on 'business trips,' but, do you wanna know what I think? I think she uses her job as an excuse to stay away from home and away from Dan. In that regard, I don't blame her, but at the same time, I do. I blame her because she's escaping by herself while leaving me and Nathan to endure the horror that is Dan Scott. She knows how bad he's gotten... at least, I think she does, and yet, Nathan and I are always stuck with him while she's off, getting to live her life and act like she's not married. I know I'm exaggerating, and I'm being overdramatic. Of course, she still knows she's married. I guess as angry as I am at her, I'm also jealous of her. She gets to leave, she can get out, and she can use her job as the reason. Whereas Nathan and I are stuck... and I feel like I'm suffocating. Things have to be easier with you and Karen, right? Your mom is around and you don't have to deal with Dan Scott. I guess in a way, I'm jealous of you too. Pathetic, right?
Logan S.


"Who would've known that Dan Scott's basketball pedigree would be inherited by his two sons, Nathan and Lucas Scott," Logan read from an article that was published online that morning. There were three pictures side-by-side. A picture of Dan from high school in his Tree Hill jersey, shooting a basket. His picture was in the middle of pictures of Nathan and Lucas making shots as well. Dan Scott scoffed as he leaned over his daughter's shoulder to look at the article she was reading on her phone.

"You've got to be kidding me," He said.

"That's great, Dad. We're all one big happy family now," Nathan said sarcastically. Logan rolled her eyes. She was still mad at him for what he did at the beach house and she was still refusing to talk to him.

"We could be if you guys would get your egos out of your asses," Logan muttered under her breath but Dan still heard.

"Hey, watch your language," Dan snapped. Logan looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Bite me," She snapped back. Dan motioned to say something, but then he held his tongue and turned to Nathan.

"You watch it too. I wonder what they're paying this reporter to support his crack habit," Dan said and Logan rolled her eyes.

"Way to assume that someone doing their job means they're on drugs," Logan said as she clicked out of the article and opened Twitter to aimlessly scroll through it.

"How about some breakfast?" Deb Scott's voice tried to break through the tension of her husband and children.

"I lost my appetite," Dan said.

"Dan, the boy exists. He's on the team, it's not exactly headline news," Deb said and Dan rolled his eyes.

"Apparently in this house it is," Logan mumbled.

"Okay, young lady, I don't know what's wrong with you, but you need to fix your attitude, now... because disrespect is not tolerated," Dan snapped.

"Good one, Dad. Did you read that in a parenting book?" Logan asked as she rolled her eyes again. Nathan laughed from beside his sister, and Dan glared at Logan, but he didn't say anything.

"How do you think Lucas and Karen feel about it?" Deb asked.

"He probably doesn't care what they think or feel, considering that he abandoned Karen while she was pregnant, and then knocked you up with twins three months later," Logan said sarcastically. Dan was fuming, she could tell and she didn't care.

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