16 | House Party, Rude Awakening

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Luke,
Being popular can be so draining sometimes. The parties, everyone knowing who you are. It doesn't help that Nathan throws the majority of the parties at our family's beach house, so I can't even use it as an escape. I mean partying is fun every now and again, but all the time gets draining and exhausting. All we end up doing is the same things over and over. Drinking way too much, playing stupid games, and not remembering anything that happened the next morning. If we're doing all of this now in high school, what's really going to be left to suspense in college? Probably nothing. Honestly, I think I'm more of a homebody. I love being at home, watching a movie or a show, reading a book, spending time on my own. That's where I'm most comfortable. I don't hate going out, but I definitely think I'm more introverted and prefer smaller, more intimate groups over big groups. What about you? Do you like going out? Or do you prefer to stay in?
Logan S.


Logan Scott was standing with her best friend Peyton Sawyer outside of school the next day. She was getting ready to tell her that she and Roman had become official yesterday, but she wished Brooke was there. She had texted Brooke a couple of days ago, asking how she was and if she wanted to get together, but Brooke said she was fine and never responded about hanging out. Logan figured it was because Brooke had seen her with Peyton.

"I have news," Logan said as she looked at Peyton.

"You and Roman are finally together," Peyton said.

"You bitch, who told you?" Logan asked and Peyton laughed.

"Lo, what other news would you have to tell me?" Peyton asked as she continued to laugh. Logan laughed a little too, but on the inside, she felt horrible. She still hasn't told Peyton that she's not Nathan's twin. She doesn't know how to bring it up.

"I guess nothing," Logan said and Peyton smiled.

"Hey, Peyton, Lo," Haley James said as she approached the pair.

"What's up?" Logan asked.

"Nathan and I are having a little get-together at your place on Saturday," Haley said.

"Oh, you are?" Logan asked.

"Nathan didn't tell you? I said I would only do it if you're okay with it since you live there too," Haley said. Logan smiled as she shook her head.

"Hales, it's fine. I'll just lock my bedroom door so nobody can get into it. We don't need a repeat of the kiss-Dan's-ass party," Logan said and Peyton laughed a little.

"Who knew Haley James was such a party girl?" Peyton said, making the three of them laugh and Haley shook her head.

"Yeah, it's not going to be that big of a deal, but he said I could invite whoever I want. Logan, I know you live there too, but do you guys want to come?" Haley asked and Logan laughed.

"Hell yeah," Logan and Peyton said together.

"Wait," Logan said.

"What's up?" Haley asked.

"She's going to ask if she can bring her boyfriend, Roman," Peyton teased. Logan rolled her eyes while a wide smile broke out on Haley's face.

"No way! You guys are dating? That's awesome. As for him coming, of course, you can bring him, but I'm sure Nathan already told him," Haley said and Logan nodded because she knew that was true. "So, I'll see you both there?" Haley asked and the girls nodded.

"See you later, tutor girl."


Peyton and Logan walked back into the gym after their cheer practice to see Lucas taking a shot and he missed. "Keep shooting man, it'll come," Nathan encouraged him. Logan was shocked to see Nathan genuinely being nice to him. Lucas took another shot and missed again, and then he saw Peyton and Logan so he walked over to them.

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