3 | Are You True?

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

[at the beginning of each chapter will be the letter from logan that lucas read that day]


Dear Lucas,
I'm not entirely sure what the point of this is... this being me writing this letter. I'm sure that I am the last person you would ever want to hear from. I guess what sparked this was, I was sick and tired of hearing the way our dad and brother speak about you. They talk about you like you don't exist, or like you're not related to us, and it makes me so angry because it's not fair to you. You didn't ask for this. You didn't ask for Dan Scott to be your dad. You didn't ask for the pain that comes with carrying the Scott name in this godforsaken town where everyone knows what our dad did. The stares, the whispers, the secrets, I get it. I feel it too. I know it's different for you since he abandoned you and Karen, but raised me, but... I still feel it. The eyes on me, the whispers about me, everyone assuming I'm just like Nathan and Dan. It's so frustrating because I shouldn't be judged by the sins of my father and brother. You lucked out with Karen and Keith, Luke, even if it doesn't feel like it. Dan Scott isn't the father you want. Keith Scott is the father I wish I had. I love Nathan to death, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I wish I was your twin, just so I didn't have to deal with Dan my entire life.
Logan S.


Tonight was Lucas Scott's second game as a Raven, and it went a lot better than his first one. He scored more and got the winning basket. Logan was very proud of him, and she was happy that he came back. However, she did notice that he took the Scott nametag off his jersey. She didn't know if Lucas had started reading her letters, but she remembered in one of them, she wrote that she was sorry for all of the pain he's probably had to carry and endure because of having the Scott last name.

It made her even more proud to see he took the nametag off.

The game was over and Logan had been thinking about going down to the burning boat. There were a few things she wanted to get rid of. The burning boat was a symbolic thing where the citizens of Tree Hill bring things they want to burn, and the symbolism was letting go of what those objects represent.

Logan noticed her Uncle standing with Karen, but the boys hadn't come out of the locker room yet. She took a deep breath and walked over to them, but approached on Keith's side. "Hi, Uncle Keith... hello, Karen," Logan said once she stopped walking. Since Lucas hadn't come out yet, she wanted to get pleasantries out of the way, in case it was awkward.

"Hey, kid. You looked great out there tonight," Keith said as he wrapped an arm around his niece.

"All I did was cheer on the sidelines," Logan said as she shook her head.

"You know, Karen was captain of the Tree Hill Ravens cheerleaders when she was in high school too," Keith said. Logan's eyes lit up as she looked over at Karen.

"Really?" She asked and Karen nodded with a smile on her face. It made her happy to see her daughter happy, and being able to see her cheer for the first time meant everything to Karen.

"You looked great out there, Logan," Karen said and Logan smiled. It was nice for Logan to hear that, since the mother she knows, Deb Scott, is rarely in town because of her job. She didn't know when the last time Deb saw her cheer was. And Dan is all about basketball and Nathan, so she never gets complimented by him.

"Thank you so much, but I'm not the sole captain. I share the role with Brooke. I mainly just help her with choreography, and I do some behind-the-scenes stuff," Logan said.

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