10 | Believe

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
You've probably been wondering why you've seen me in school with a huge cast on my leg. My mom and I got into a car accident, and the car that hit us slammed onto my side of the car. All I remember after the crash was everything going dark and then waking up in the hospital. Nathan told me I broke my leg and had a concussion. Brooke was devastated because I couldn't finish out our cheer season and honestly, it devastated me too. On the bright side, Peyton basically drew a mural on my cast, which I love, and makes having it not as bad. It's also led to so many moments of frustration. You never realize how much you take being able-bodied for granted until you suddenly can't use a body part anymore. Going upstairs to my room is a nightmare. Nathan has to carry me up on his back. My parents got me one of those chairs that elderly people use in the shower because I can't let my cast get wet, so I have to wrap it in plastic, sit in the chair, and keep my leg propped up and out of the shower while I wash the rest of myself. Not an easy task let me tell you. I guess one good thing that came out of this is having my Mom home more so I'm not just stuck with Dan. Since the car hit my side of our car in the accident, Mom only had a mild concussion, so she's just been putting all of her attention on me, and I have to admit, it's been really nice. I selfishly hope this leg takes a while to heal so my Mom will stay home with me and Nate. Anyways, this is getting super long, but yes, that's why I have a cast on my leg.
Logan S.


Keith Scott called his niece Logan Scott to tell her that he and Lucas had been in a car accident while they were on their way to pick up Karen from the hospital. Logan was hanging out with Roman at the River Court when she got the call, and the pair immediately rushed to the hospital in Logan's car.

"Keith is he okay!?" Logan asked when she sprinted into the waiting room and saw Keith. She hadn't even noticed Karen was there too. Keith turned to his niece.

"He's in surgery," He said and then he turned to Karen. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see the other car," He said.

"Where's the operating room? I need someone to tell me what's happening," Karen said as she looked around the hospital. Logan noticed it seemed there were no doctors or nurses in sight.

"They asked me to wait here and they're going to let us know when he's in recovery," Keith said. Logan took a deep breath as her eyes watered. She knew she hadn't gotten to know Lucas that well yet, but he was still her brother and she didn't want him to die before they could get to know each other.

"I couldn't get a cab and then the only thing I had to pay with was euros. He's gotta be alright, Keith. I won't lose him," Karen said. Keith nodded as a doctor walked out from a different direction.

"Excuse me, Doctor!" Logan called out when she saw him. The doctor stopped at the sound of her voice and walked over to them. "Were you in the operating room with Lucas Scott?" She asked.

"He was in a car accident. He's my son and her brother," Karen said. Logan was a little surprised to be included. Karen didn't have to tell the doctor Lucas was her brother.

"Dr. Hill is an excellent surgeon. The kid's lucky his father got him here so fast," The doctor said. Karen and Logan shared the same confused look. But then Logan thought, it wouldn't be confusing for them to think Keith was his father since Keith got him there. Logan thought there was no way they were talking about Dan.

"His Uncle," Karen corrected. The doctor shook his head.

"No, his father. He may have saved your son's life," The doctor said and then he walked away. Karen and Logan turned to Keith for an explanation.

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