4 | Crash

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
Every time I mention wanting to get to know you because you know, you are my brother, Nathan and Dad flip out. Dad starts yelling, Nathan gets an attitude, and I honestly don't know what the big deal is. Pretending you don't exist doesn't make you go away. So, since they literally will not allow me to get to know you in person, maybe I can through these letters. What's your favorite color? I think you can tell a lot about a person through their favorite color. Mine is blue. People normally pick blue because of the sky, but I chose it because of the ocean. I've always felt calm and at peace near a body of water, and blue always reminds me of that feeling. Do you have a favorite food? Something Karen always makes for you whenever she knows it would be a good pick me up. I know Keith has his usual at your mom's cafe. Do you think it's his comfort meal, or he's just scared to order something else? I think my comfort food is mac n' cheese. Now don't laugh at me, but when you have a good bowl of mac n' cheese in front of you, there's no way you don't feel better afterward. I'm rambling, I tend to do that when feeling big emotions, and right now it's nervous, to even be writing this in the first place. Until my next letter.

Logan S.


It was almost game time. Nathan and Logan were in their rooms getting ready and about to leave for school. They were going together, but she didn't know who she would be leaving with. She knew Nathan was throwing a party at their beach house after the game, so she'd either be leaving with Roman or Peyton, depending on whether or not Nathan was going with Peyton to the beach house. She supposed she'd figure it out after the game.

Nathan and Logan started walking downstairs at the same time. As she made her way to the kitchen, Nathan gently shoved her. When they were kids, they used to play this game where they would race to the kitchen to see who would get food first, but to initiate the game, one of them had to shove the other. Logan looked at Nathan and shook her head. The siblings stood still for a moment as they looked at each other.

Then they bolted for the kitchen.

They didn't too far because Dan Scott was already standing in the kitchen. Nathan saw him before Logan did, and he grabbed his sister to prevent her from crashing into their dad. It wasn't their dad in the kitchen that solely stopped their movements, it was who their dad was looking at.

Their mom... Deb Scott.

"Hey. Check it out. It's called dinner," Deb said when she saw all of their faces. They had gotten so used to eating takeout because Dan Scott doesn't cook, and they don't cook either. Deb is never there, and she's normally the one who cooks. Logan got used to it after a while, but she always ate in moderation.

"Who is that lady? Is that my wife?" Dan whispered to Nathan and Logan as he pointed at Deb. Nathan had a small smile on his face while Logan crossed her arms over her chest. "I didn't think you were getting back until Monday," Dan said.

"I wasn't until I sweet-talked Ziodex into doubling their gift to AIDS research. It took me all of one meeting," Deb said and Dan smiled.

"Wow, I'm impressed. Are you sure you don't want to quit saving the world and come sell cars with me?" Dan asked. Logan almost snorted, something she does when she laughs very hard but she held it in.

"Hmm, thanks for the offer, but I like the frequent flyer miles," Deb said and then she walked over to her kids. She hugged Nathan first and then she hugged Logan. They were both still surprised to be seeing her, that they didn't hug her back. "Hey, how are my babies?" She asked. Nathan and Logan looked at each other before Nathan brushed his duffel bag up against hers. They had a lot of ways of communicating with each other without talking.

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