7 | The Search

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
You know Nathan's best friend, Roman? He's literally a bigger pain in my ass than Nathan is and that's saying something because Nathan can be an extreme pain at times. I'm never sure whether or not I want to claim Roman as my friend, too. I've known him long enough, but whenever someone asks me about him, I always say, 'Yeah, that's Nathan's best friend," but for whatever reason, our whole friend group thinks the two of us are going to end up together. You probably don't care about any of this, so I won't spend too long on the subject, but you've got to agree with me that it's ridiculous right? I know you don't interact with him, but you've seen him in enough years of school to know how he is. He's arrogant, rude, and thinks he's funnier than he actually is. Why the hell would I date someone like that? I know I promised you not every letter would be a rant, so I will end it with a question. Do you have a ridiculous crush? One that you want to come to fruition, or do you have something like me, where everyone wants you with a certain person and you're like, why would I ever date them? I'd love to hear that all of us Scotts are just horrible at relationships because of Dan's mental scars. That was funnier in my head before I wrote it down. Anyway, until next time.
Your Sister,
Logan S.


Logan Scott was at her best friend Peyton Sawyer's house. Brooke Davis was also there. Peyton brought her back to her place after the kiss-Dan's-ass-party, as Logan likes to call it since she was so drunk. Brooke was still passed out, while Peyton and Logan were also lying in Peyton's bed and watching a horror movie. Peyton opened up to Logan about how she and Lucas almost hooked up last night, but then Lucas started talking about commitment and being in an actual relationship and she wasn't ready for that given that she just got out of her tumultuous relationship with Nathan.

Logan understood where she was coming from.

"That's gonna leave a mark," Peyton mumbled about the movie and Logan laughed. Then one of the female characters screamed, which made Brooke jump awake.

"So, what am I doing here?" Brooke asked as she looked around and saw she was at Peyton's house and not her own.

"Brooke, that's two weekends in a row that you don't remember the night before," Peyton said. This is what Logan was talking to Lucas about in her letter. All Brooke does is get super drunk, and then not remember the night before. It's been a cycle since their freshman year.

"Oh, please tell me I didn't make a fool of myself with Lucas," Brooke said. Logan tried not to laugh. She had seen the way Brooke kept pursuing him, and remembered how Lucas asked her if that was normal for Brooke, and that she didn't need to do that to get his attention.

"Nope, that would be me," Peyton said.

"Wait. You two were totally hot for each other," Brooke said.

"We were... until about halfway through ripping each other's clothes off, I bailed," Peyton said. Logan looked at her and shook her head. She knew she kept teasing Peyton about leaving, but at the same time, she was glad Peyton did leave. If she didn't want the same things as Lucas, she shouldn't get involved, because it's obvious Lucas has feelings for Peyton, and Logan didn't want her brother to get hurt.

"I don't want to live in a world where three fine and willing girls like ourselves can have such a lame Friday night," Brooke said as she exhaled a deep breath. "I have to change my karma," She said. Logan wasn't sure how she would do that, considering the amount of people she screwed over last night. "Maybe you should make some changes too," Brooke said to Peyton.

"She didn't wake up with a foggy memory," Logan said, speaking for the first time. When Brooke looked at her best friend, she smiled, and Logan knew. She had no memory of what she did to her last night.

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