8 | Go There and Come Back

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
Do you ever wonder if you're making the right choices? I just mean in general, I'm not referring to anything specific. Or, do you ever think about what your life would be like if you were brought up in different circumstances? I'm sure throughout your life, you've wondered what life would be like if you were raised by Dan... just like I've wondered what my life would be like if I was your twin and not raised by Dan. It's funny how those things work, isn't it? I guess right now I'm feeling a lot of uncertainty and it's stressing me out, to the point where I'm starting to eat more than normal, and I've never been one to stress eat, but now it feels like I can't stop, and I'm not sure what to do. Do you have a comfort food? My go-to has been chocolate chip cookies.
Your sister,
Logan S.


Nathan Scott collapsed at the basketball game last night.

Logan learned that he took performance-enhancing drugs because of the pressure their father, Dan Scott was putting on him to beat his scoring record against the team they played. Leading up to the game, Dan kept taunting Nathan, saying he would never beat his record, so Nathan went to the extreme to make sure he could, and he collapsed when he was two points away from beating the record.

Logan had been terrified when Nathan went down. She ran out onto the court as soon as he collapsed, and then the team crowded around her. When he woke up in the hospital, after their parents came and Dan talked to Nathan, he told Logan everything. He said he knew it was stupid and he would never do anything like it again. Then he asked her to sneak him out of the hospital because he needed to see Haley and apologize to her.

On the other side, with her other brother Lucas, a few things had happened. She knew that he and Peyton almost hooked up, but then the night before their game, he went on a date with Brooke, and they ended up making out, and now they were dating.

But after the game, Peyton showed up at his house, confessing her feelings for Luke and how she wanted all the same things he did, but Brooke was there, and she walked back inside Lucas' room, but she hadn't heard what Peyton said to him. Logan was with Haley and Lucas now as they were talking about the situation.

"It's not that hard, alright? Peyton and I just don't make sense as a couple, she said so herself," Lucas said.

"And then she took it back," Haley said

"What are you? Her lawyer?" Lucas asked and Logan laughed a little, but Lucas was right. When did Haley and Peyton get so close?

"I'm just... Look, I've seen Peyton really try to make an effort to turn things around and it just sucks that she got bit the first time she reached out to somebody, you know?" Haley said.

"Haley, I'm not the bad guy here, okay? Peyton's just too... hard," Lucas said.

"Unlike Brooke, who I understand is nice and easy," Haley said. Logan stopped walking. She knew that she didn't always see eye-to-eye with Brooke, and what she did at the basketball fundraiser was horrible, but she still loved Brooke and considered her to be her best friend and she did not appreciate Haley calling her best friend easy. She had been trying to get to know Haley since she's now officially dating Nathan, but she wasn't making it easy. Lucas noticed Logan wasn't walking with them anymore and he stopped.

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