6 | Glass House

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
Have you ever questioned your choice of friends? I've seen you with your friends, Haley, that's her name, right? I've seen her in the tutor center, she seems like a great friend, so you've probably never questioned being friends with her. But sometimes I rethink my choices. Peyton is great. I can talk to her about anything. Brooke on the other hand, I don't know. Sometimes she is a great friend. She's so loyal and caring, but other times, when she's drunk... she can get cruel, even to me and Peyton, who are supposed to be her best friends. We always forgive her, but I think I'm running short on forgiveness. Between dealing with Nathan and my parents, I'm not sure how much forgiveness I have left inside of me that can extend to Brooke. Sometimes I think I need new friends, but then I think to myself, who would that even be? I've been boxed into a certain crowd, as a cheerleader and Nathan Scott's twin. But with your friends, Haley, Mouth, Skills, Junk, and Fergie (did I get those right)? It seems like you guys have a good and loyal group. I do have Peyton, so I am grateful, I think I just needed to rant. I promise all of these letters are not me just ranting, I'm sorry if that's what it seems like. Until next time.
Logan S.


Logan Scott skipped school yesterday.

It wasn't abnormal for her to skip school sometimes, but since she skipped on a game day, she couldn't cheer. They had an away game, against the Pickerington Hicks, as Nathan likes to call them, and since she's so used to Nathan calling them that, she doesn't know what their actual team name is. Peyton ended up telling her that Haley rode back with her and Brooke, who was under the influence of painkillers because Nathan and Lucas got in a fight on the court and ended up rolling on top of Brooke and spraining her ankle.

Logan hadn't told anyone that she was at the hospital, so her phone had a lot of missed calls and texts, but she didn't care. The call she got from Josh a couple of days ago, scared her. He called her saying that Roman was at the hospital. June had meant to call him earlier, but her phone died, so she had to charge it because she was panicking about Roman and couldn't recall Josh's number off the top of her head to use the hospital phone.

a couple of days ago

Logan Scott rushed to the hospital, as fast as she could without getting pulled over, after Josh called her. She parked her car, paid for the parking, and immediately ran inside and gave them Roman's name. Once the nurse told her the room number, she didn't wait around, she immediately ran to the elevator, got to the correct floor and when she ran into Roman's room, she froze at what she saw.

Roman was lying in the hospital bed with several wires hooked to him. First was an IV, Josh explained that Roman hadn't been able to eat or drink anything, so the IV was providing fluids to keep him hydrated. He had small tubes in his nose and an oxygen tank next to his bed. Roman's chest rose and fell at a steady heartbeat.

Josh and June both looked up when they heard Logan run in and June immediately ran to her and hugged her, and Logan embraced her back. She's always loved June like a little sister since she has also been around since they were children.

"What happened?" Logan whispered as she looked at Josh over top of June's head.

"He was protecting me," June sniffled into Logan's shoulder.

"Dad was about to hurt June, Roman stepped in and fought back... Broken ribs, a broken nose, and internal bleeding, he was in surgery for hours, but he's going to be okay. I waited until he was in recovery to call you so you wouldn't have to wait around for hours worrying like we were," Josh said. Logan frowned as her eyes started to water.

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