11 | Changes

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
Do you know how draining it is to hear people arguing all the time? But then especially when what they're arguing about is you? My parents argue so much, I honestly don't know what's keeping their marriage together at this point. I think we all know, it'd be better if they divorced. At least, Nathan and I know that. I'm not sure why they haven't caught up to it yet. Anyway, do you ever think about marriage? If you ever want to be married? With the example of marriage I've grown up with, the concept of having a husband kind of scares me. Will we end up like my parents? I've read enough psychology articles to know that how we're raised influences our decisions, whether we're consciously aware of it or not. What if subconsciously, I pick a partner that's just like Dan? Then I'll probably end up as miserable as my Mom, and any children I have would end up as miserable as Nathan and me, and I don't want that. My potential future children deserve better, but I don't know how to give that to them. Maybe I just won't get married at all. That sounds a little ridiculous though, doesn't it? Oh well. I'm only 15, I don't need everything figured out right now.
Logan S.


Logan and Nathan Scott were at home with their mother Deb. She had kicked Dan out of the house and he's been staying at the Beach House, but he's also been persistently calling their house. Logan had a feeling things were going to get worse, and Dan was going to do whatever he could to get Logan and Nathan to live with him, but Logan didn't want to live with him.

"It's him... again," Logan said as she looked at the Caller ID.

"Don't pick up. Your father is refusing to cooperate with the attorneys. So, this custody thing may end up in front of a judge. If that happens, things could get ugly. But I want you both to know that I'm only trying to protect you," Deb said.

Nathan looked at the answering machine and pressed the off button. "How great is that? Dad has an off button now. Look, Mom. I think you're doing the right thing, even for him," Nathan said and Logan nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but it's the two of you I'm worried about," Deb said and Logan shook her head.

"Don't... Nate and I will be fine. We get it. You and Dad splitting up is a good thing. We all know staying together for the kids only makes everyone miserable," Logan said. She smiled at her Mom, before going outside where Peyton and Haley were waiting for her in Peyton's car.

Then they headed to the Mall.


Haley, Peyton, and Logan were walking around the mall. Logan noticed that Peyton was in a bit of a weird mood. She had been quiet for most of the ride to the mall, and she had been quiet a lot while they'd been browsing. But Peyton stopped walking and Haley looked up.

"Peyton, what's wrong" Haley asked. Logan looked up and she noticed why. Brooke was sitting on a bench by herself, and she was crying.

"Peyton? Logan? I looked all over for you two. Peyton, I've been calling you. Didn't you get my messages?" Brooke asked. Logan looked at Peyton, who was frowning at Brooke.

"Really? Oh, no. My phone's been out of whack all day," Peyton lied and Logan knew she was lying because Peyton called her and asked if she wanted to come to the Mall with her and Haley.

"Are you okay?" Logan asked.

"Lucas broke up with me," Brooke said.

"I'm sorry," Peyton said.

"I was looking forward to getting a chance to show him how much he means to me and he said he just wants to be friends, and every idiot knows that's just code for go away. I don't know what I'm supposed to do," Brooke said through her tears.

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