1 | How it All Started

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina
[Hey guys, just a side note. I made this OTH more modern. I know the show started in 2003, but if you noticed in the prologue, it said 1999 when Lucas, Logan, and Nathan were born. So now since they're 17, it's about 2015 almost 2016 instead of 2003].

Peyton Sawyer was giving her best friend Logan Scott a ride home after their basketball game. Once she dropped Logan off, Nathan would leave with her to return to her house so it worked out. Logan was grateful for that. She didn't want to hear her brother having sex down the hall from her.

"Oh, come on, Peyton, what the hell are we listening to?" Logan asked as she looked at her friend.

"Come on, Lo. Open your mind to new music. I'm sorry I don't listen to Hozier 24/7 like you do," Peyton teased and Logan rolled her eyes.

"His self-titled album is perfect," Logan said and Peyton laughed.

"I know! Look, I know you have a variety of music and it's different from mine. At least we don't listen to the crap Roman listens to," Peyton said and Logan rolled her eyes while laughing.

Roman is Nathan's best friend who is also on the basketball team with him. Roman and Nathan have been friends since grade school, so he's always been around. Logan watched as he turned into the same cocky asshole that Nathan did and that's why their friendship worked so well together. But everyone always teased Logan about being with him.

"Nothing is going on between Roman and me," Logan said.

"Not yet anyway," Peyton said and Logan rolled her eyes. Peyton looked down at her phone to change the song, which she does all the time, but then Logan looked up from her phone and noticed someone was crossing the street. If they didn't stop now, Peyton was going to run them over.

"P. Sawyer hit the brakes!" Logan yelled. Peyton immediately looked up and saw the person crossing the street and slammed on her brakes right before she hit them. Logan noticed the boy had a hood on, and a basketball in his hands. When he dropped the hood and turned to face them, her eyes widened.

It was Lucas.

Logan and Lucas locked eyes and she couldn't bring it in herself to look away. For her entire life, Dan Scott has tried to drill into her and Nathan's brains that Lucas isn't their brother, and they shouldn't pay attention to him. It worked for Nathan because Nathan treated him terribly, but Logan didn't. Logan wanted to get to know Lucas. She has no reason to deny that Lucas is her brother when everyone in Tree Hill already knows how screwed up her family and her dad are.

But Dan Scott always had a way of finding things out, and Logan didn't want a lecture. Peyton honked her horn, which snapped the two Scott siblings out of their stare. Lucas ran off in the same direction he was going and Peyton started driving again.

"Are you ever going to talk to him?" Peyton asked.

"I don't know," Logan said.

"Are you ever going to give him the letters you wrote to him, for the last three years?" Peyton asked and Logan sighed. Starting in their freshman year, Logan started to write letters to Lucas. At first, they were just expressing confusion on why their father didn't want her and Nathan to know him, and then she would write letters introducing herself to Lucas. Telling him about the things she liked, and didn't like, her hobbies, interests, etc.

Sophomore year, when Nathan started treating him like shit, she started writing apology letters, for Nathan's behavior and the fact that she wasn't doing anything to stop him. She didn't know what she could've done. This year, she's been asking about him in her letters. But over the years, she's always given birthday and Christmas cards to Lucas, through Keith, but they were always anonymous. She never signed them, and she swore Keith to secrecy. Logan sighed again as she shrugged her shoulders.

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