9 | Living Years

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Dear Lucas,
What's it like not having to hear two people arguing about you? Nathan escapes to Roman's house and I go to Peyton's, but I shouldn't feel like I need to leave the comfort of my own house and room. Why can't my parents take their screaming matches somewhere else? I doubt Karen and Keith fight. I know they're not together, but I know Keith basically raised you, and I'm sure he and Karen never had arguments. I love Uncle Keith dearly and always wished he came around more. Nathan would have benefitted from having him around, but you know Dan... he got his claws in first and he wasn't going to let any outside influences take Nathan away from him. I know what my answer is, but what's your favorite moment with Uncle Keith? I would love to know.
Logan S.


The Scott Family, Dan, Deb, Logan, and Nathan, all sat in a therapist's office. Dan and Deb were seated together on one couch while Nathan and Logan were seated together on the cushioned chair. There was room for them on the couch, but they didn't want to sit with them. And since Logan is small, and Nathan doesn't take up the entire chair, they were both able to fit in it, but Logan is only slightly on Nathan's lap.

"The truth is hard, but hostility stays outside. Who would like to start?" Gloria, the therapist, asked.

"Well, you're the one with all the answers, Doc. Why don't you tell us?" Dan said and Logan rolled her eyes.

"Hostility stays outside, Dan," Gloria repeated.

"Things have gotten out of hand, so we thought we could use some...-" Deb started to explain, but Dan cut her off.

"...-No. You thought," He said.

"Objectively," Deb said.

"Define gotten out of hand... Nathan?" Gloria said as she turned to the siblings.

"Pass," Nathan said.

"Logan?" She asked.

"Okay... Our Mom is gone all of the time and our Dad is a controlling asshole. That about sums it up," Logan said.

"Hostility...-" Logan cut Gloria off.

"...-Stays outside, I know, I know... but there is quite literally no other way to describe Dan Scott," Logan said as she shrugged.

"We also reached a breaking point two weeks ago when my son...-" Dan cut Deb off again.

"...-You hear that? Her son," Dan said.

"Can you just shut up and let Mom talk!?" Logan snapped. She was getting tired of her Dad cutting her Mom off every time she tried to say something. This session wasn't going to be productive at all if it kept going like this.

"Hostility aside, Logan is right. Deb is speaking now, and you will have your turn after her, Dan," Gloria said.

"When our son collapsed on the basketball court after taking drugs to boost his performance," Deb finished her explanation.

"The kid made a mistake, he knows that," Dan said and Logan shook her head.

"Do you see that? This is a common thing that happens. He always finds a way to dismiss the things we do as making a mistake when my brother literally almost died trying to make that man happy," Logan said in disgust. Deb nodded as she echoed from her daughter.

"My daughter is right. Their father has been bullying Nathan about the sport since he was old enough to hold a ball. He tried to get Logan into the game too, but thank goodness she took more of a liking to gymnastics and cheer," Deb said.

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