13 | Weekend Classic

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2015 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Logan Scott was very happy to be getting away for the weekend.

After everything she found out, she was welcoming the annual Classic as a reprieve. She couldn't wait to lose herself in cheerleading. She was currently at school, and Brooke was having the girls run a practice outside. During the week leading up to the Classics, Logan never takes anything Brooke says to heart. She always gets a bit strung out.

"Okay Theresa, terrible posture. Pinch that penny. Bevin, you need... a breath mint. Logan, you need to show everyone how this is done because it's not hard. Peyton, nice form and excellent betrayal of a best friend," Brooke said. Peyton and Logan exchanged a look as Brooke continued to go down the cheerleading line. "Wrong, wrong, wrong. You guys, this weekend is the Classic! It's our biggest cheer competition. Aren't you sick of Claire Young and the Bear Creek Warriors taking home the trophy every year? Because I am. We need to get it together, and I'm not just talking about our routine. I'm talking hair, nails, underarms... Theresa," Brooke snapped.

"Brooke, cheerleading is supposed to be fun," Bevin said.

"Yeah, well winning is funner. And if you don't like it, you can go cheer for the wrestling team. Take five," Brooke snapped. All the girls dispersed and grabbed their water bottles. Logan shook her head and approached her best friend.

"You know, the grammatically correct term is more fun," Logan said. Brooke gave her a look and Logan smiled. Then Peyton approached.

"Okay, you know what? You hate me, I get it, it's fine. Just don't take it out on our squad," Peyton said. Brooke rolled her eyes.

"Everything is not about you, Peyton. Did you ever think that maybe I'm being a psycho-hoe-beast because I want us to do well this weekend? Those judges are not going to be as forgiving as I am," Brooke said.

"Funny, I didn't know you were forgiving at all," Peyton said as she walked away. Brooke scoffed and then looked at Logan as if she were waiting for her to say something.

"I'm not in this," Logan said as she walked away. She went to one of the tables, sat down, and took a deep breath. She reached into her duffel bag and pulled out her water bottle, and she also pulled out a kit-kat she brought on the way to school that morning. It was already half-eaten and Logan sighed as she looked at it.

"Hey, Lo. You doing okay?" Logan quickly dropped the wrapped candy back into her bag and looked up to see Nathan and Haley standing over her. Logan took a deep breath and shrugged.

"I'm sure you guys can guess how I'm doing," Logan said.

"Have you talked to Karen?" Haley asked.

"No. I don't even know how to talk to her. What, do I just walk into the cafe and say, 'Oh hey, Karen, by the way, I know you're my biological Mom. Can I have some coffee? Thanks.' I don't think so," Logan said and Nathan frowned.

"You're overthinking this, Lo. Give her the chance to be your Mom. With what our Mom put us through and how we see Lucas turned out... how bad can she be?" Nathan asked and Haley nodded in agreement.

"And I'm sure Karen would love to get to know you more as well," Haley said and Logan frowned.

"Our whole lives, sometimes I've wished that I was Lucas' twin so that I wouldn't have to deal with Dan... and now that I know I really am Lucas' twin. It just makes me feel like it's unfair to you in some way," Logan said as she looked at her brother. Nathan shook his head and grabbed her hand.

"No, it's not. Sometimes, I wished I was Luke's twin to get away from Dan too. But if either of you ever tell him that I said that, I'll deny it," Nathan said. Logan and Haley laughed while Logan shook her head.

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