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"Yah! Areum

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"Yah! Areum." Taeyong calls out from the end of the hallway but Areum simply rolls her eyes and continues to walk as if she didn't hear him.

Taeyong grunts and runs up to her, grabbing hold of her wrist and spins her around.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asks with an obvious frown on his face.

Areum smirks and rolls her eyes again. "I thought the message was clear enough." She yanks her wrist out of Taeyong's grip.

"I had enough of you. Get lost." She deadpans and turns around on her heel again.

She hears a sigh from behind her again.

"Why are you doing this?" He asks with a soft voice.

With that, Areum scoffs loudly. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" She spins around to face Taeyong.

"Why did you fuck my sister?"

Taeyong's eyes grew bigger and he gulps. "How did you know?" He asks, with much curiousity laced in his voice.

Areum doesn't answer him and turns around again. She felt disgusted whenever she had to look at that cheating bastard.

"Areum, don't fucking ignore me you bitch."

"That's enough, don't you think?" A voice interrupted and Areum couldn't help but turn around. She comes to face Jimin.

Taeyong smirks and faces Jimin again. "Who the hell are you to step in?"

Jimin scribbles something on his notepad and passes it to Taeyong. "Tuck in your shirt. Remove the piercings. Don't use profanities. Enjoy detention!" Jimin simply says.

Just as Jimin was about to walk away, Taeyong crumples the piece of paper up and threw it on to the ground.

"Oh, I littered too. How many hours of detention is that?" Taeyong then tilts his head, "What a pity. Don't you think you deserve detention too, you horny bastard?"

Areum gasps and turns to Jimin, waiting for his response.

Jimin doesn't seem surprised but nods instead, much to Areum's surprise. "So I go around fucking girls." Jimin admits, "But at least I don't cheat."

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