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warning ! this chapter will be filled with images so make sure you're connected to the wi-fi or something

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Areum sits on her leather couch, staring blankly at the box in her hands. She ponders over whether she should open it. Jimin seemed desperate for her to have it so there must be something important in it, right?

She sighs heavily, tucking on one end of the ribbon so the knot eventually comes undone. The silk ribbon falls on her lap and she lifts the top of the box off.

There was a box of pocky and something that seemed to be a journal book laying in the box. Areum furrows her eyebrow, but decides to start munching on the strawberry flavoured snack before flipping the journal open.

 Areum furrows her eyebrow, but decides to start munching on the strawberry flavoured snack before flipping the journal open

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Areum tries to flip the journal once more but soon came to realise that she was already at the last page

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Areum tries to flip the journal once more but soon came to realise that she was already at the last page. She furrows her eyebrows, she's sure that she has had more moments with Jimin so why did he stop there?

At that moment, her phone beeps, notifying her that she have received a new text message. She picks it up immediately, to find that the text was from Jimin.

meet me in the park, please.

»»————- author's note !!————-««
okay so i know i said i will update in
1-2 days but something came up :(

but!! i'm starting to write the next chap
so it will (hopefully!!) be up soon :-)

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