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"You're such a bad influence, Ahreum

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"You're such a bad influence, Ahreum." Jimin giggles as the pair walked down the street in their school uniforms.

Some stares were thrown their way as people wondered why two high school students were wandering the street on a Wednesday morning.

Ahreum notices the attention they were receiving and quickly pulls out two sweaters from her bag. She passes the navy blue one towards Jimin before throwing on a red hoodie one over her head.

Jimin stared at her, puzzled before Ahreum chuckles. She points at the sweater in Jimin's hands.

"Put it on." She whispers, "You have to be prepared for these kind of things."

Jimin flashes her a quick smile before pulling the sweater over. He was starting to notice some of the remarks thrown at them anyway.

"So, what are we going to do?" Jimin asks, taking in a deep breath. It was nice to be outside, on a wednesday where everyone was either working or studying.

The streets were busy but since the pair was no longer clad in school uniforms, no one paid attention to them any more.

"I don't know, I was just thinking of strolling." Ahreum shrugs, she figured that a morning like this one would be perfect to take their mind off things. She knows how stressed Jimin has been, and she hoped that her small efforts would somehow help him.

Ahreum was disappointed, disappointed that she couldn't do anything to lift Jimin's stress. If she could, she would take all of it away and maybe give it to herself instead.

She glanced over to Jimin, who had a serene smile on his face. But little did she know, Jimin only smiled like this when he's with her.

The two of them entered a small park located in the city center. Children from the preschool nearby can be seen playing on the slides, and Ahreum quickly pulled Jimin over to the vacant swings.

She sat on the swing, swiftly lifting her feet over the ground, hands tightening around the metal chain. She turns around to face Jimin who had an amused look on his face.

"Push me!" She yelps, and Jimin shakes his head teasingly before obliging.

Two grown teenagers playing on the swings was indeed an unusual sight for the preschoolers. Amused and enlightened, they made their way towards the pair.

Noticing their presence, Jimin stops pushing Ahreum and Ahreum stops awkwardly, immediately getting up and offering the seat the little ones.

"Do grown ups also play on the swings?" One of the young girls ask, her eyes shining brightly and Ahreum fought back to urge to coo.

"I guess." Ahreum says with a soft smile, bending down to meet the young girl's eyes. The young girl then cheers, raising her hand up for a high-five. Ahreum returns it before the girl speaks up again.

"I'm happy that I can play on the swings even when I grow up. I want to play forever!" She screams excitedly as the other kids by her side followed suit.

Jimin smiles with amusement at this, patting the girl's head gently before carressing her face.

"Enjoy life when you're young." He says, but Ahreum couldn't help but notice the sad smile that was forming on his face.

»»————- please read !!————-««

hello everyone !! filter is coming to an end
soon but i love this book too much to let it
go :") so!! would you like more angst or
more fluff? please tell me your opinions as
it would impact the flow & direction of the plot!

angst would make the story longer & fluff would have around 5 more chapters??

tysm & ilyall ♡ 

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