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"Where were you today?" A voice boomed as soon as the door clicked

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"Where were you today?" A voice boomed as soon as the door clicked. Jimin lowers his head, locking the door before standing infront of his father.

Jimin isn't able to say anything until newspaper that his father had thrown came crashing with the side of his face. He hears his father scoff out, "Are you mute?"

"You're school president, Park Jimin. What am I supposed to do when the school calls and tells me that the school president has skipped school?" The middle-aged man asks incredously. He rises from the velvet couch and walks over to Jimin.

Jimin's head was still lowered and he cowered a little as his father approaches him. Please don't hit me. He repeated in his head. He flinches visibly when his father raised his arms. Please don't hit me. He says in his head again, with much desperation.

Another scoff can be heard and Jimin relaxes when his father lowers his hand down.

"You have the guts to skip school but when I question you about it, you act like a coward." The father mocks, and Jimin was certain that he was visibly shaking at this point. His father grips the phone tightly in his hand, pushing Jimin's cheek with the phone.

"Is that what you are? A coward?"

The wind blows harshly against Jimin's face

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The wind blows harshly against Jimin's face. The strong wind sounded eerie at night and the sound of leaves crashing against one another was uncomfortable to listen to but Jimin didn't mind.

The haunted park that everyone talked about was less haunted than his own home, Jimin thought.

He raises his phone and reads the countless notifications from his mother but he ignores them all, shoving his phone back into his back pocket.

He laid his head back, staring up at the night sky. There was no stars, and sky just seemed to look like a black ceiling. Jimin sighs, closing his eyes shut.


He hears a voice calling but it wasn't just any voice - it was his favourite voice. Jimin isn't quite sure exactly when one of his classmate's voice became his favourite one but he didn't mind.

He loves it when she calls out his name, the name Jimin sounded so beautiful when she said it, even if the name was given by a person he despised.

"Park Jimin." He hears in his head again and he smiles bitterly. Will he be able to go back to school after this? He isn't sure if he has the strength for this.

"Park Jimin, open your eyes."

Jimin is baffled and wonders why the voice in his head would ask him to open his eyes but he does it anyway. He lifts his head from the bench, and his eyes focuses on the person standing infront of his body.

He rubs his eyes lazily, unsure if what was standing before him was a ghost or an actual person.

The sihoulette becomes clearer as soon as she steps beneath the light and Jimin mouth opens agape.

"Ahreum," He breathes, not quite believing that she is now standing infront of him, "Why are you here?"

She sends Jimin a reassuring smile, quickly taking a seat next to Jimin as she leans against the bench, making herself comfortable. Ahreum digs her hands into her pockets before taking out a packet of banana milk.

She passes it to Jimin and he takes it not before muttering a soft "thank you" under his breath.

"I come here to blow things off my mind," She begins softly, kicking the pebbles below her shoe. "People say it's haunted but it is rather beautiful during the daytime." She explains.

"It's beautiful during the daytime but at night, it is even more serene." She continues, just as one of the street lamp flickers. "It's creepy," She says, not without chuckling first.

"But the creepiness keeps people away, and I guess that is what I like about it. No one ever comes here, it's a perfect place to blow your sadness or anger off." She says and Jimin can't help but agree.

It was a chilly night, and Ahreum had her hands in her pocket but she takes them out and her hand hovers over Jimin's soft hands.

She doesn't hesitate placing her slender hands over his.

"It'll be okay, Jimin."

As soon as a single tear escaped from Jimin's left eye, the rest of his tears were followed in an unbroken stream. Jimin bends forward, pressing his face into his palm as he sobs. The tears cascading down his cheek left him feeling weak and frail.

Ahreum gulps, hesitating a little before pulling Jimin into a comforting hug. Jimin frees his hand from his face and wraps his arms around Ahreum's petite body.

And there they were, hugging under the flickering street lamp as Jimin sobbed.

y'all asked for angst :")
the angst will begin soon hold on tight

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